How to Cook Steak in George Foreman Grill: Easy & Delicious Guide

Discover the simple steps to achieve a perfectly cooked steak using your George Foreman Grill in this easy-to-follow guide.

Steak is one of the most beloved foods in the world, and for good reason. There’s nothing quite like a juicy, perfectly cooked steak to satisfy your cravings and impress your guests.

But what if you don’t have access to an outdoor grill or simply prefer a more convenient cooking method? That’s where the George Foreman grill comes in! This compact appliance can be used to cook delicious steaks right in your own kitchen, without any of the hassle or mess of traditional grilling. In this article, we’ll share our top tips for how to cook steak in a George Foreman grill so that you can enjoy restaurant-quality meals from the comfort of your own home.

Choosing the Right Steak Cut

how to cook steak in george foreman grill easy amp delicious guide

Different cuts have different levels of tenderness and fat content, which can affect how they cook and taste. Some popular options for grilling include ribeye, sirloin, filet mignon, flank steak or skirt steak.

If you’re looking for a tender cut with plenty of marbling (fat), then ribeye is an excellent choice. It’s known for its rich flavor and juicy texture but may take longer to cook than other cuts due to its thickness.

Sirloin is another great option that’s leaner than ribeye but still has enough fat content to keep it moist during cooking. It cooks quickly on the George Foreman grill due to its thinner size.

Filet mignon is one of the most expensive cuts available because it’s incredibly tender with little marbling; however this also means that there isn’t much room for error when cooking as overcooking will result in dryness.

Flank or skirt steaks are less expensive options that require some extra preparation before grilling such as marinading overnight in order not be tough after being cooked.

Preparing the Steak

This will ensure that your steak is not only delicious but also safe to eat. The first step in preparing your steak is to remove it from the refrigerator and let it come up to room temperature for about 30 minutes before grilling.

This will help the meat cook more evenly.

Next, pat the steaks dry with paper towels and trim off any excess fat or silver skin using a sharp knife. Leaving too much fat on can cause flare-ups during cooking and result in unevenly cooked meat.

If you’re using thicker cuts of steak, consider scoring them lightly with a sharp knife across both sides of each piece at 1-inch intervals before seasoning them as this helps tenderize tougher cuts by breaking down connective tissue.

If desired, brush each side of the steaks lightly with olive oil or melted butter just before placing them onto preheated grill plates for added flavor and moisture retention during cooking.

Seasoning the Steak

Seasoning is an essential step in the cooking process as it enhances the flavor of your steak and adds depth to its taste. There are many ways to season a steak, but one of the simplest methods is using salt and pepper.

To begin seasoning your steak, pat both sides dry with paper towels. This will help ensure that any excess moisture doesn’t interfere with the seasoning process.

Next, generously sprinkle kosher salt over both sides of the meat – about 1/2 teaspoon per side should do.

After salting each side evenly, add freshly ground black pepper on top for added flavor (about 1/4 teaspoon per side). If you prefer more complex flavors or want to experiment with different spices or herbs like garlic powder or rosemary sprigs feel free!

Remember not too much though; we don’t want our steaks overpowering by other flavors than their own natural goodness!

Creating a Marinade

A marinade is essentially a mixture of acidic ingredients, such as vinegar or citrus juice, combined with oil and various seasonings. The acid in the marinade helps break down the tough fibers in the meat while also infusing it with delicious flavors.

To create a simple yet flavorful marinade for your steak, start by combining olive oil, balsamic vinegar or soy sauce (depending on your preference), minced garlic cloves and some fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme. Mix all these ingredients together until they are well blended.

Place your steaks into a large resealable plastic bag then pour over enough of the prepared marinade to coat them evenly on both sides. Seal up tightly then massage gently so that each piece is coated thoroughly before placing it into the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes but no more than 24 hours.

Preheating the Grill

This will ensure that the surface is hot enough to sear the meat and create those delicious grill marks. To preheat your grill, simply plug it in and turn it on for about five minutes before cooking.

You’ll know that the grill is ready when the indicator light turns off or changes color.

Preheating also helps prevent sticking by allowing any excess moisture on the surface of your steak to evaporate quickly once placed onto a hot surface. A properly heated George Foreman Grill can reach temperatures up to 400°F (204°C), which means you can achieve a perfect sear without overcooking or burning.

Grilling Times

The exact timing will depend on several factors, including the thickness of your steak and how well-done you prefer it. As a general rule of thumb, for medium-rare steaks that are about 1 inch thick, grill for approximately 4-5 minutes per side.

For medium steaks, increase this time to around 6-7 minutes per side. If you like your steaks well done or have thicker cuts (over an inch), add another minute or two to each side.

It’s important not to overcook your steak as this can result in tough meat that lacks flavor and juiciness. Keep an eye on the color and texture as you cook – when juices begin pooling on top of the meat surface (about halfway through cooking), flip once more before removing from heat source.

Cooking Time and Temperature

The cooking time and temperature will depend on the thickness of your steak, as well as how well-done you prefer it. As a general rule of thumb, thicker steaks will require longer cooking times at lower temperatures to ensure that they cook evenly all the way through.

For rare or medium-rare steaks (which are recommended for most cuts), aim for an internal temperature of 130-135°F (54-57°C). This can be achieved by grilling the steak for approximately 4-5 minutes per side at a high heat setting (400°F/204°C).

If you prefer a more well-done steak with an internal temperature closer to 160°F (71°C), reduce the heat setting to medium-high and increase the cooking time accordingly. Keep in mind that overcooking can result in tough or dry meat, so be sure not to leave your steak on too long.

Using a meat thermometer is one of the easiest ways to ensure that your steak is cooked perfectly every time. Simply insert it into thickest part of the meat before removing from grill – this should give you an accurate reading without having cut into it yet.

Using a Meat Thermometer

While it’s possible to estimate doneness based on time and appearance, using a thermometer takes all the guesswork out of the equation. Simply insert the probe into the thickest part of your steak and wait for an accurate reading.

Different cuts of steak require different internal temperatures to reach their ideal level of doneness. For example, rare steaks should be cooked until they reach an internal temperature between 120-130°F (49-54°C), while medium-rare steaks should be cooked until they reach 130-135°F (54-57°C).

Medium steaks require an internal temperature between 135-145°F (57–63°C), while well-done steaks need to hit at least 160°F (71°C).

By using a meat thermometer, you can ensure that your steak is perfectly cooked every time without having to rely on guesswork or experience alone. It’s also important not only in achieving perfect results but also in ensuring food safety by making sure that harmful bacteria are destroyed during cooking.

Flipping the Steak

Flipping too often can cause the juices to escape, resulting in a dry and tough steak. Instead, let one side cook for about 4-5 minutes before flipping it over with tongs or a spatula.

When you do flip your steak, be sure to use a clean utensil so that you don’t contaminate any raw meat juices onto cooked portions of the meat. Once flipped over, allow another 4-5 minutes for cooking time on this side as well.

If you’re looking for those classic grill marks on your steak (who isn’t?), try rotating each piece by 45 degrees halfway through cooking each side. This will create an attractive diamond pattern that’s sure to impress anyone at your dinner table.

Grill Marks and Techniques

To get those beautiful sear lines, start by preheating your grill for at least five minutes before cooking. Once the grill is hot, place the steak on it at a diagonal angle to create those classic diamond-shaped marks.

For thicker cuts of meat or if you want more pronounced grill marks, try using the “crosshatch” technique. Simply rotate the steak 90 degrees after two minutes of cooking time and continue grilling for another two minutes before flipping it over.

Remember that while grill marks may look impressive, they don’t necessarily indicate how well-cooked your steak is. Always use a meat thermometer to ensure that your steaks reach their desired internal temperature (medium-rare: 135°F; medium: 145°F; medium-well: 150°F; well-done:160-170°F).

Using the Drip Tray

This handy accessory collects excess fat and juices that run off your steak during cooking, making it easy to dispose of them later. Not only does this help keep your kitchen clean, but it also makes for healthier meals by reducing the amount of fat in your food.

To use the drip tray, simply slide it into place beneath the bottom plate before you start grilling. As you cook your steak, any excess liquid will collect in this tray instead of pooling on top or dripping onto your countertop.

Once you’re finished cooking and have turned off the grill’s heat source, carefully remove both plates from their hinges using oven mitts or tongs (they’ll be hot!). Then lift out and discard any remaining liquid from inside both plates before washing them with warm soapy water.

Handling Multiple Steaks

One of the most common mistakes people make when grilling multiple steaks is overcrowding the grill. This can lead to uneven cooking and prevent your steaks from developing those coveted grill marks.

To avoid this issue, be sure to leave enough space between each steak so that they have room to cook evenly. You may need to adjust the temperature or cooking time slightly depending on how many steaks you’re preparing and their thickness.

Another tip is not flipping all of your steaks at once. Instead, flip one steak at a time in order of which was placed first on the grill surface as it will likely require more time than others due its position relative distance from heat source.

This ensures that each steak gets equal attention and cooks evenly throughout.

The Importance of Resting the Steak

One of the most important steps in achieving a perfectly cooked steak is allowing it to rest before slicing and serving. Resting allows the juices inside the meat to redistribute evenly throughout, resulting in a more tender and flavorful final product.

To rest your steak properly, remove it from the grill and place it on a cutting board or plate. Cover loosely with foil or another piece of parchment paper for about 5-10 minutes depending on its thickness.

This will allow time for those delicious juices that have been pushed towards the center during cooking process due heat expansion caused by high temperature grilling.

Slicing the Steak

Slicing the steak correctly can make all the difference in how tender and juicy each bite will be. To get started, place your cooked steak on a cutting board and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing.

This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more flavorful final product.

When you’re ready to slice, use a sharp knife with long strokes against the grain of the meat. Cutting against or across-the-grain will result in shorter muscle fibers which makes for easier chewing while also making sure that every piece has an even texture.

For thicker cuts of steak like ribeye or sirloin steaks cut them into 1/4 inch slices while thinner cuts like flank steaks should be sliced thinly at about 1/8 inch thicknesses.

Side Dishes and Pairings

When it comes to choosing sides, there are plenty of options that can work well with a grilled steak. For example, you might opt for classic choices like roasted potatoes or steamed vegetables such as broccoli or green beans.

If you’re looking for something a bit more unique, consider trying out some less traditional pairings like grilled peaches or pineapple salsa. These fruity accompaniments can add an unexpected burst of flavor that pairs beautifully with the savory taste of your steak.

Another great option is to serve up a fresh salad alongside your meal. A simple Caesar salad made with crisp romaine lettuce and homemade dressing can be just the thing to balance out the richness of your main dish.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Here are some common issues that may arise when cooking steak on a George Foreman grill and how to troubleshoot them:

1. Steak is overcooked: If your steak comes out too dry or tough, it’s likely that you’ve cooked it for too long or at too high of a temperature.

Try reducing the heat setting on your grill and/or shortening the cooking time.

2. Steak is undercooked: On the other hand, if your steak isn’t cooked enough for your liking, try increasing both temperature and cook time slightly.

3. Unevenly Cooked Steak: If one side of your steak looks more done than another side after grilling, make sure to flip it halfway through cooking so both sides get equal exposure to heat.

4. Sticking Meat: Sometimes meat can stick onto non-stick surfaces like those found in George Foreman grills; this could be due to not preheating properly or using an old machine with worn-out plates – consider replacing them if necessary!

Grill Safety Tips

Here are some tips for using your George Foreman grill safely:

  1. Always read the manufacturer’s instructions before using your grill.
  2. Keep the grill away from flammable materials such as curtains or paper towels.
  3. Never leave the grill unattended while it is in use.
  4. Use long-handled utensils when grilling to avoid burns from hot surfaces or flames.
  5. Avoid wearing loose clothing that could catch fire while cooking on the grill.
  6. Make sure that all food is cooked thoroughly before serving, especially meat products which can harbor harmful bacteria if undercooked.

Cleaning and Maintaining Your Grill

This will not only ensure that your appliance lasts for years to come but also prevent any cross-contamination or unpleasant flavors from previous meals.

To start, unplug the grill and let it cool down completely before cleaning. Once cooled, remove the drip tray and dispose of any excess grease or food particles.

Wash the tray with warm soapy water and dry thoroughly before placing back in the grill.

Next, use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe down both sides of the cooking plates. If there are stubborn stains or residue buildup on your George Foreman Grill’s non-stick surface you can use baking soda mixed with water as an abrasive cleaner (avoid using metal utensils).

Rinse off all soap residues after cleaning.

Store your cleaned appliance in a safe place where it won’t get damaged by other kitchen tools.


How long do you cook steaks on a George Foreman Grill?

On a George Foreman Grill, cook steaks of 1/2"-1" thickness for 4-7 minutes for medium-rare and 7-9 minutes for medium.

Do you have to put oil on a George Foreman Grill?

No, oil is not required on a George Foreman Grill due to its George Tough™ nonstick coating that allows almost any food to be cooked without oil or butter to prevent sticking.

Can you sear meat in a George Foreman Grill?

Yes, you can sear meat in a George Foreman Grill, specifically using the sear button on the George Foreman Evolve Grill for optimal results.

What temperature should you set on a George Foreman Grill for cooking steak?

On a George Foreman Grill, set the temperature between 400°F and 425°F for cooking steak.

How can you achieve medium-rare, medium, or well-done steak using a George Foreman Grill?

Achieve medium-rare, medium, or well-done steak using a George Foreman Grill by adjusting the cooking times to 3-4 minutes for medium-rare, 4-5 minutes for medium, and 5-6 minutes for well-done.

Are there any specific cuts of steak that work best with a George Foreman Grill?

Cuts of steak that work best with a George Foreman Grill include tender cuts like ribeye, strip, and filet.
