How to Grill Frozen Steak: Easy Steps for a Delicious Result

Discover the secrets to perfectly grilling a frozen steak, ensuring tender and juicy results every time.

You’ve got a craving for a juicy, perfectly cooked steak, but the only problem is that all you have on hand is a frozen slab of meat. Don’t worry, because grilling frozen steak is not as daunting as it may sound.

With the right technique and some helpful tips, you can achieve a deliciously charred exterior with a tender and juicy center. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to grill your frozen steak to perfection so that you can satisfy your cravings any time of year.

Get ready to impress your taste buds and your guests with this simple yet impressive grilling hack!

Benefits of Grilling Frozen Steak

how to grill frozen steak easy steps for a delicious result

Grilling frozen steak has several benefits that make it a great option for those who love to grill. One of the main advantages is convenience.

You don’t have to worry about thawing your steak in advance, which can take hours and requires planning ahead. With frozen steaks on hand, you can satisfy your cravings at any time without having to run out to the store or wait for meat to defrost.

Another benefit of grilling frozen steak is that it locks in moisture and flavor. When you cook a thawed piece of meat, some juices are lost during the cooking process due to evaporation caused by temperature changes from cold-to-hot cooking surfaces.

However, when you grill a frozen steak directly over high heat without defrosting first, this creates an instant sear on both sides while locking in all its natural juices.

Freezing Steak Properly

Freezing meat is a great way to preserve its freshness and flavor for future use. However, if not done correctly, it can lead to freezer burn and loss of quality.

To ensure your frozen steak tastes just as good as fresh ones when grilled, start by wrapping each piece tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Then place them in an airtight container or freezer bag with all the air squeezed out before sealing.

It’s also essential that you label each package with the date of freezing so that you can keep track of how long they’ve been stored in your freezer. Generally speaking, steaks will last up to six months when frozen correctly.

Choosing Thick-Cut Steaks

Thick-cut steaks are ideal for this method because they can withstand the longer cooking time required to thaw and cook them properly. Look for cuts like ribeye, New York strip, or filet mignon that are at least 1 inch thick or more.

These cuts will retain their juices better during cooking and provide a tender texture when grilled.

Thick-cut steaks also have a larger surface area which allows you to achieve those coveted grill marks on the outside while still maintaining an even temperature throughout the meat’s interior. Thicker cuts of steak tend to be more forgiving if you accidentally overcook them since there is less risk of drying out due to their size.

Preparing the Steak

The first step is to remove any packaging or wrapping from the meat and pat it dry with paper towels. This will help ensure that the steak cooks evenly and achieves a nice sear on the outside.

Next, season your frozen steak generously with salt and pepper on both sides. You can also add other spices or herbs of your choice for added flavor.

If you have time, let the seasoned steak sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before grilling. This will allow the seasoning to penetrate deeper into the meat while also helping it cook more evenly.

Choosing the Grill

You want a grill that can reach high temperatures and maintain them consistently throughout cooking. Gas grills are ideal for this purpose because they heat up quickly and provide even heat distribution.

If you prefer charcoal grilling, make sure to use natural lump charcoal instead of briquettes as it burns hotter and cleaner. Also, ensure that your grill has enough space for indirect heating as well as direct heating zones.

No matter what type of grill you choose, make sure it’s clean before starting your cookout session. A dirty or greasy grate can cause flare-ups which will burn your steak unevenly or leave an unpleasant taste on the meat.

Preheating the Grill

It ensures that your grill reaches the optimal temperature for cooking, allowing you to achieve a perfectly seared exterior while keeping the inside tender and juicy. Preheating also helps prevent sticking and makes it easier to flip your steak without tearing or losing any of its delicious juices.

To preheat your grill, turn all burners on high heat and close the lid for about 10-15 minutes. This will allow enough time for your grill grates to get hot enough so that when you place your frozen steaks on them, they’ll sizzle immediately.

It’s important not to rush this step as it can affect how well-cooked or undercooked your steak turns out. A properly preheated grill will ensure even cooking throughout every inch of meat.

Two-Zone Grilling Setup

One of the most effective ways to do this is by using a two-zone grilling setup. This means that you’ll have one side of your grill with direct heat and another side with indirect heat.

The direct heat zone is where you’ll sear and char the exterior of your frozen steak, while the indirect heat zone will allow for slower cooking and even heating throughout.

To create a two-zone grilling setup, start by preheating all burners on high for 10-15 minutes until they reach their maximum temperature. Then turn off one or more burners on one side of the grill to create an area without any flames or coals underneath it – this will be your indirect heat zone.

By utilizing a two-zone grilling setup when cooking frozen steaks, you can ensure that each part cooks evenly without burning or undercooking any areas.

Grill Setup for Frozen Steak

You want to ensure that your steak cooks evenly and doesn’t burn on the outside while remaining raw in the middle. To achieve this, you’ll need a two-zone fire set up with indirect heat.

Start by preheating one side of your grill to high heat and leaving the other side off or at low heat. This will create a hot zone for searing and an area of indirect heat where you can finish cooking your steak without burning it.

Once you have achieved this setup, place your frozen steaks directly over the hot zone for about 2-3 minutes per side until they are nicely seared with those beautiful char marks we all love so much! Then move them over to the cooler part of your grill (indirect heating) where they can continue cooking slowly until reaching their desired internal temperature.

Indirect Heat for Frozen Steak

This means that you’ll be cooking your steak on a part of the grill that’s not directly over the flames. Indirect heat allows for slower and more even cooking, which is crucial when dealing with frozen meat.

To set up your grill for indirect heat, start by preheating all burners on high for 10-15 minutes. Then turn off one side of the burners or move coals to one side if using a charcoal grill.

Place your frozen steaks on top of this cooler area and close the lid.

Cooking with indirect heat will take longer than direct grilling but it ensures that you won’t end up with an overcooked exterior and raw interior due to uneven heating from direct flame contact.

Seasoning Frozen Steak

Seasoning is an essential step in grilling any type of meat, and frozen steak is no exception. The good news is that seasoning a frozen steak can be even more effective than seasoning a thawed one because the salt has more time to penetrate the meat.

Before adding any seasonings, make sure your grill has reached its desired temperature. Then remove the steaks from their packaging and pat them dry with paper towels.

This will help ensure that they cook evenly on both sides.

When it comes to seasoning your frozen steaks, keep it simple yet flavorful by using coarse kosher salt or sea salt along with freshly ground black pepper as these two ingredients are enough for enhancing the natural flavors of beef without overpowering them.

Sprinkle generously on both sides before placing them onto the grill grates over indirect heat for about 10-15 minutes per side depending on thickness until they reach an internal temperature of 125°F (for medium-rare) or up to 135°F (for medium).

Searing and Seasoning

Searing is an essential step in grilling any steak as it helps create that delicious crust on the outside while keeping the inside juicy. To achieve this, you’ll want to turn up the heat on your grill or move your steaks over direct heat if using a two-zone setup.

Seasoning is also crucial when grilling frozen steak. You can use any seasoning of choice, but we recommend keeping it simple with just salt and pepper so that you don’t overpower the natural flavors of meat.

Sprinkle generously with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper before placing them back onto high heat for another 2-3 minutes per side.

Grilling Time for Frozen Steak

The cooking time for a frozen steak will be longer than that of a thawed one, so patience is key. A general rule of thumb is to grill the steak for about 1.5 times the length of time you would cook a thawed cut.

For example, if you typically grill your steaks for six minutes per side when they’re fresh or thawed, then plan on grilling them for nine minutes per side when they’re still frozen.

However, keep in mind that every grill and cut of meat can vary slightly in cooking times due to factors such as thickness and temperature fluctuations. To ensure perfect results every time with any type or size of meat cuts use an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part (not touching bone) at different stages during cooking until reaching desired doneness:

  • Rare: 120°F – 125°F
  • Medium-rare: 130°F -135°F
  • Medium:140° F -145° F
  • Well-done :160 °F

Flipping the Steak

How do you know when to flip? The key is not to rush things. If the steak sticks to the grill grates, give it a little more time before trying again.

When flipping your frozen steak, use tongs instead of a fork or spatula as they can pierce and release juices from the meat. Gently lift and turn over each piece using tongs.

Remember that flipping too often will prevent proper browning and may result in uneven cooking. So be patient! Wait until you see some char marks forming on one side before turning over for even cooking.

Temperature Tracking

It’s crucial to ensure that your steak reaches the right internal temperature for optimal flavor and texture. The best way to do this is by using an instant-read thermometer, which will give you an accurate reading in just a few seconds.

When grilling frozen steaks, it’s essential to keep track of their internal temperatures throughout the cooking process. This means checking them regularly with your thermometer until they reach your desired level of doneness.

Remember that different cuts and thicknesses require different cooking times and temperatures, so be sure to consult a guide or recipe for specific instructions on how long you should grill each side based on its thickness.

Checking Steak’s Temperature

This is a crucial step in ensuring that your steak is cooked to perfection and safe for consumption. The best way to check the temperature of your frozen steak is by using an instant-read meat thermometer.

Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the meat, making sure not to touch any bones or fat as this can give you an inaccurate reading.

For medium-rare doneness, aim for a temperature between 130-135°F (54-57°C), while medium should be around 140-145°F (60-63°C). If you prefer well-done steaks, then aim for temperatures above 160°F (71°C).

Remember that cooking times may vary depending on factors such as grill type and thickness of the cut. It’s always better to rely on internal temperatures rather than visual cues alone when grilling frozen steaks.

Achieving Perfect Steak Consistency

One of the most important factors in achieving consistent results is ensuring that your grill is at the correct temperature before cooking. A preheated grill will help ensure even cooking and prevent overcooking or undercooking.

Another key factor in achieving perfect steak consistency is flipping your steak only once during grilling. Flipping too often can cause uneven cooking and result in tough or dry meat.

Instead, allow each side to cook for several minutes before flipping it over.

Don’t forget to let your grilled frozen steaks rest for a few minutes after removing them from the heat source.

Edge-to-Edge Perfection

Since the center of the steak is still frozen, it can be difficult to cook it evenly without overcooking or undercooking certain parts. However, with a little patience and attention to detail, you can achieve that perfect consistency throughout your entire steak.

To ensure even cooking from edge to edge, use indirect heat for most of your grilling time. This will allow the center of your steak to thaw and cook more slowly while preventing any part from getting too charred on one side.

Once you’ve achieved an even internal temperature throughout your meat using indirect heat (check with a thermometer), move it over direct heat for just long enough to get those beautiful grill marks on both sides before removing them from the grill entirely.

Resting the Grilled Steak

This allows the juices in the meat to redistribute and settle, resulting in a more tender and flavorful steak.

To rest your grilled frozen steak, remove it from the grill and place it on a cutting board or plate. Tent aluminum foil over top of the steak loosely for about 5-10 minutes before slicing into it.

This will allow enough time for those delicious juices that have accumulated inside of your perfectly cooked piece of meat to be reabsorbed back into every bite.

Resist any temptation you may have had previously experienced when cooking fresh steaks by not cutting right away after grilling; this is especially true with frozen steaks as they require even more resting time than their fresh counterparts due to their denser texture.

Cooking Frozen Steak Recipe

One of the easiest ways to cook a frozen steak is by using an oven-safe skillet or cast-iron pan. Preheat your oven to 400°F and heat up your skillet on medium-high heat until it’s hot enough for searing.

Season your frozen steak with salt, pepper, garlic powder or any other seasoning you prefer. Add oil in the heated skillet and place the seasoned steak in it once hot enough.

Sear each side of the meat for about two minutes until browned before transferring into preheated oven (still inside its pan). Cook for around 6-8 minutes depending on how thick your cut is and desired doneness level (medium-rare at 135°F internal temperature).

Slicing and Serving

Before you start cutting into that juicy piece of meat, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Firstly, let the steak rest for at least five minutes after removing it from the grill. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat and ensures maximum flavor.

When slicing your steak, be sure to cut against the grain. This means cutting perpendicular to those visible lines running through your meat.

Doing so will result in more tender slices that are easier on your teeth!

Consider serving with some delicious sides like roasted vegetables or a fresh salad for a well-rounded meal.

With these tips in mind, you’re now ready to enjoy perfectly grilled frozen steaks any time of year!


Can I put a frozen steak on the grill?

Yes, you can put a frozen steak on the grill, and it might even be the best steak you’ve ever cooked.

How long do you grill a frozen steak?

To grill a frozen steak, it takes approximately 30 minutes, allowing for a well-seared crust and a properly cooked interior.

Should frozen steak be thawed before grilling?

No, frozen steak should not be thawed before grilling as cooking it while frozen leads to better results.

What are the best techniques for grilling a frozen steak evenly?

To grill a frozen steak evenly, preheat the grill, sear each side for 90 seconds, then cook over indirect heat until reaching the desired doneness.

Are there any specific seasonings or marinades that work well with grilling frozen steak?

Using a mixture of salt, pepper, garlic, and olive oil as a seasoning or marinade works well with grilling frozen steak.

How does the thickness of a frozen steak affect the grilling time and temperature?

Increasing the thickness of a frozen steak leads to longer grilling time and may require lower temperature to ensure even cooking.
