How to Grill Delmonico Steak: Easy Guide for Perfect Results

Discover the art of grilling a perfect Delmonico steak with our easy-to-follow guide that guarantees mouthwatering results every time.

The sizzling sound of a juicy steak on the grill is music to any meat lover’s ears. But, not all steaks are created equal, and if you’re looking for a cut that’s both flavorful and tender, look no further than the Delmonico steak.

This mouthwatering cut comes from the ribeye primal and is known for its marbling and rich flavor. However, grilling a Delmonico steak to perfection can be tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing.

In this article, we’ll show you how to grill Delmonico steak like a pro so that every bite is bursting with flavor and tenderness. So fire up your grill and get ready to impress your taste buds!

Choosing the Perfect Delmonico Steak

how to grill delmonico steak easy guide for perfect results

The Delmonico steak is also known as a boneless ribeye or Scotch fillet and can be found in most grocery stores or butcher shops. However, not all Delmonico steaks are created equal, so it’s important to choose the best one for your grill.

Look for a well-marbled piece of meat with even thickness throughout. Marbling refers to the white flecks of fat that run through the muscle fibers and give flavor and tenderness to your steak when cooked correctly.

Another factor you should consider when selecting your Delmonico steak is its color. A bright red color indicates freshness while brown spots may indicate spoilage or oxidation due to exposure.

Lastly, check if there are any visible signs of damage on both sides such as tears in the flesh which could affect cooking time and texture.

Necessary Equipment

Here’s what you’ll need:

1. Grill: A gas or charcoal grill will work for grilling Delmonico steaks.

2. Meat Thermometer: To ensure that your steak is cooked to perfection, invest in a meat thermometer.

3. Tongs: Use tongs to flip and move the steak around on the grill without piercing it and losing its juices.

4. Basting Brush: A basting brush comes in handy when applying marinades or sauces onto your grilled Delmonico Steak.

5. Aluminum Foil: You may want to use aluminum foil as an alternative cooking method if you prefer not using direct heat from flames on your steaks.

Preparing the Steak for Grilling

First, remove the steak from the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before cooking. This allows for even cooking throughout the meat.

Next, pat dry both sides of your Delmonico steak with a paper towel to remove any excess moisture on its surface. Moisture can prevent proper searing and lead to steaming instead of grilling.

Trim off any excess fat around the edges but leave some marbling as this adds flavor and juiciness during cooking.

Use a sharp knife to score or crosshatch both sides of your Delmonico Steak lightly. Scoring helps tenderize tougher cuts by breaking down connective tissue while also allowing seasonings better access into each bite-sized piece.


While some people prefer to keep things simple with just salt and pepper, others like to experiment with different seasonings and marinades. No matter what your preference is, there are a few key ingredients that you’ll need for grilling a perfect Delmonico steak.

Firstly, start by selecting high-quality meat from your local butcher or grocery store. Look for well-marbled steaks that have been aged at least 21 days for maximum tenderness and flavor.

Next up is oil – choose an oil with a high smoke point such as vegetable or canola oil which will prevent sticking on the grill while also adding moisture to the meat.

Don’t forget about seasoning! Salt and black pepper are classic choices but feel free to add other herbs like rosemary or thyme if desired. You could also try using Primal Palate Organic Spices which offer unique blends of organic spices without any fillers or additives.

Selecting the Right Seasonings

While some people prefer a simple salt and pepper rub, others like to experiment with different herbs and spices for a more complex flavor profile. When choosing your seasonings, it’s important to consider the natural flavors of the meat itself.

The rich marbling of Delmonico steak pairs well with bold spices like garlic powder, smoked paprika, or cumin.

If you’re looking for something more traditional, try using a classic blend of rosemary and thyme along with some freshly cracked black pepper. For those who prefer something sweeter on their steaks can use brown sugar or honey as part of their seasoning mix.

Remember that less is often more when it comes to seasoning meat – too many competing flavors can overwhelm rather than enhance its natural taste.

Seasoning the Delmonico Steak

Seasoning is a crucial step in grilling any steak, as it enhances the natural flavors of the meat and adds depth to its taste. When seasoning a Delmonico steak, less is often more.

The rich marbling of this cut means that it already has plenty of flavor on its own.

To bring out those flavors even further, we recommend using simple seasonings like salt and pepper or garlic powder. You can also add some fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme for an extra burst of flavor.

When applying your seasoning mix to the Delmonico steak, be sure to coat both sides evenly with just enough seasoning so that each bite packs a punch without overpowering the natural taste of this delicious cut.

Preheating the Grill

Before placing your steak on the grill, you need to ensure that it’s hot enough to sear and cook the meat evenly. Preheating also helps prevent sticking and ensures those beautiful grill marks we all love.

To preheat your gas or charcoal grill, turn it on high heat for at least 10-15 minutes before cooking. This will give enough time for the grates to get hot and ready for cooking.

If using a charcoal grill, make sure that all of your coals are fully lit before adding any food onto them. You can tell if they’re ready by checking if they’re covered with white ash.

Once you’ve preheated your grill properly, reduce heat as needed depending on how thick or thin your Delmonico steak is so that it cooks evenly without burning or undercooking.

Grilling Techniques for Delmonico Steak

One of the most important things to keep in mind is to avoid overcooking your steak. The high fat content in Delmonico steaks means they cook faster than other cuts of meat, so it’s essential to monitor their progress closely.

To start grilling your Delmonico steak correctly, place it on the grill at a 45-degree angle from direct heat for about two minutes per side. This technique will create those beautiful diamond-shaped grill marks while also ensuring even cooking throughout.

After two minutes have passed on each side at an angle from direct heat source move them directly above flames or coals and continue cooking for another 2-3 minutes per side until desired doneness is achieved (medium-rare: 130°F; medium: 140°F; medium-well:150°F).

Proper Cooking Temperature

The ideal cooking temperature for a Delmonico steak is between 400°F and 450°F. This high heat will sear the outside of the steak, creating a delicious crust while locking in all those juicy flavors.

Before placing your steaks on the grill, make sure that you have preheated your grill to this optimal temperature range. A properly heated grill ensures even cooking and prevents sticking.

Using an instant-read thermometer can help ensure that you’re grilling your Delmonico steaks at precisely the right internal temperature as well. For medium-rare doneness (which is recommended), aim for an internal temp of around 130-135°F; medium should be around 140-145°F; medium-well should be about 150-155 °F; and well-done should reach approximately160 °F or higher.

Ensuring Even Cooking

If one end of the steak is thicker than the other, it will take longer to cook through and may result in an unevenly cooked piece of meat. To avoid this problem, you can use a meat mallet or rolling pin to pound out any thick spots before seasoning and grilling.

Another way to ensure even cooking is by using indirect heat on your grill. This means that you’ll only have one side of your grill turned on while cooking your steak on the other side.

By doing this, you’ll be able to control how much heat reaches each part of your Delmonico steak.

Make sure not to overcrowd your grill when cooking multiple steaks at once as this can cause uneven heating due to blocked airflow around each piece.

Flipping the Steak

Once you’ve seared one side of the steak, it’s time to flip it over and cook the other side. But how do you know when it’s time to flip? The key is not to rush things.

If you try flipping too early, your meat will stick and tear apart, ruining its presentation and texture.

To avoid this problem, wait until your Delmonico steak has developed a nice crust on one side before attempting to turn it over. This usually takes around 3-4 minutes for medium-rare doneness but can vary depending on factors such as grill temperature or thickness of the cut.

When ready, use tongs instead of a fork (which can pierce through the meat) and gently lift up one edge of your Delmonico Steak from where there are no grill marks yet; if there’s resistance then give another minute or so before trying again. Once flipped over onto its other uncooked surface continue cooking until desired doneness is achieved – typically another 3-4 minutes for medium-rare.

Grilling Time and Doneness

Overcooking can result in a tough, dry steak, while undercooking can leave you with an unappetizingly raw center. The cooking time for your Delmonico steak will depend on its thickness and desired doneness.

For rare steaks, grill each side for 3-4 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 125°F (52°C). For medium-rare steaks, grill each side for 5-6 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 135°F (57°C).

For medium steaks, grill each side for 7-8 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches between140°F -150 °F(60°C –65 °C).

To achieve well-done meat that’s still juicy and flavorful without being overcooked: Grill one inch thick delmonico Steak at high heat of around450 degrees Fahrenheitfor about10 to12minutes per sideoruntil it has reached aninternaltemperatureof160° F(71° C).

Remember that these are just guidelines; factors such as altitude and humidity may affect cooking times. To ensure accuracy when checking temperatures use a digital thermometer inserted into thickest part of meat avoiding bone if possible.

Determining the Desired Doneness

The internal temperature of the steak is an essential factor in determining whether it’s rare, medium-rare, medium or well-done. A meat thermometer can help you achieve your desired level of doneness accurately.

For rare Delmonico steaks, cook until the internal temperature reaches 125°F (51°C). For medium-rare steaks, aim for an internal temperature of 135°F (57°C).

Medium-cooked Delmonico steaks should have an internal temperature between 145-155°F (63-68°C), while well-done ones should reach at least 160°F(71°C).

It’s important not to rely solely on cooking time as different grills and cuts may require varying times. Instead use a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of your steak without touching any bone or fat.

Resting the Steak

Resting the steak allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more tender and flavorful bite. To rest your Delmonico steak, remove it from the grill and place it on a cutting board or plate.

Tent loosely with foil or another cover that will allow air circulation but keep heat inside for about 5-10 minutes depending on its thickness.

During this time, resist the temptation to cut into your perfectly grilled masterpiece as you’ll lose all those delicious juices that make every bite so succulent! Instead of cutting right away use this time wisely by preparing any sides you plan on serving alongside your juicy Delmonico Steak.

Serving Suggestions for Delmonico Steak

There are many ways you can serve this delicious cut of meat, depending on your personal preferences and tastes.

One classic way to enjoy a Delmonico steak is simply with a side of grilled vegetables or a baked potato. The rich flavor of the steak pairs perfectly with fresh veggies like asparagus or zucchini, while a fluffy baked potato provides the perfect starchy complement.

If you’re looking for something more adventurous, try serving your Delmonico steak alongside some homemade chimichurri sauce or salsa verde. These tangy sauces add an extra layer of flavor that complements the richness of the meat perfectly.

For those who prefer lighter fare, consider pairing your grilled Delmonico steak with a crisp salad dressed in vinaigrette dressing. This refreshing combination is perfect for hot summer days when heavy meals just won’t do.

Tips for Grilling Delmonico Steak

Here are some essential tips for grilling Delmonico steak:

1. Let the Steak Rest: Before grilling your Delmonico steak, let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes.

This will help ensure even cooking.

2. Oil Your Grill Grates: To prevent sticking and make clean-up easier, oil your grill grates before placing the steaks on them.

3. Don’t Overcook: The key to a perfectly grilled Delmonico steak is not overcooking it! Use an instant-read thermometer to check its internal temperature regularly.

4. Add Flavorful Wood Chips: For added flavor, try using wood chips like hickory or mesquite when grilling your steaks.

5. Let It Rest Again After Cooking: Once you’ve finished cooking your steaks on the grill, let them rest again for about five minutes before serving so that all of their juices can redistribute evenly throughout each piece of meat.

Primal Palate Organic Spices

These spices are made with high-quality organic ingredients and contain no fillers or additives, ensuring that your steak is not only delicious but also healthy. Primal Palate offers a wide range of spice blends that can be used to season your Delmonico steak, including their Steak Seasoning blend which contains sea salt, onion powder, garlic powder and black pepper.

This blend enhances the natural flavor of the meat without overpowering it.

Using Primal Palate Organic Spices in your cooking ensures that you’re getting pure flavors from real food sources while avoiding harmful chemicals found in conventional spices. Their commitment to quality makes them a trusted brand among health-conscious consumers who want nothing but the best for their bodies.

Nutrition Facts (per Serving)

A 3-ounce serving of Delmonico steak contains approximately 200 calories, 20 grams of protein, and essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. However, it’s important to note that the nutritional value may vary depending on the cut’s fat content.

To ensure you’re getting the most out of your Delmonico steak while keeping an eye on your calorie intake or dietary restrictions like keto or paleo diets – consider pairing it with healthy sides like grilled vegetables or a fresh salad for a well-rounded meal that satisfies both taste buds and nutrition needs!

Photos of Grilled Delmonico Steak

That’s where our photos of grilled Delmonico steak come in! We’ve captured every juicy detail so that you can see exactly what your finished product should look like. From the perfectly seared exterior to the tender and juicy interior, these photos will have your mouth watering in no time.

Plus, they’ll give you an idea of how to plate and serve your masterpiece once it’s ready. So take a peek at our gallery of grilled Delmonico steak photos for some inspiration before firing up that grill!


How long do you grill Delmonico steaks?

Grill Delmonico steaks for 3-4 minutes per side on high heat to sear, then reduce heat to medium and cook for an additional 5-6 minutes per side until desired internal temperature is reached, and finally let it rest for 5 minutes before serving.

Which cooking method would be most appropriate for a Delmonico steak?

The most appropriate cooking method for a Delmonico steak is fast broiling it, brushing with butter and beef fat, using a hot broiler, and nailing the timing.

What temperature do you grill Delmonico?

You grill Delmonico at medium-high heat, which is 400 degrees F.

What is the difference between a ribeye and a Delmonico steak?

The difference between a ribeye and a Delmonico steak is that Delmonico steaks are typically heavier, larger, and about 1 ¾ to 2 inches thick, whereas ribeyes are around half a pound and 1 ½ inches thick.

What are the best seasonings to use when grilling a Delmonico steak?

The best seasonings to use when grilling a Delmonico steak include salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder.

How can you determine the level of doneness for a Delmonico steak while grilling?

To determine the level of doneness for a Delmonico steak while grilling, use a meat thermometer and follow specific internal temperature guidelines for your desired doneness.

What are some side dishes that pair well with a grilled Delmonico steak?

Some side dishes that pair well with a grilled Delmonico steak include garlic mashed potatoes, sautéed mushrooms, creamed spinach, and grilled asparagus.