How to Cook Riblets on the Grill: Easy & Delicious Guide

Discover the art of grilling mouthwatering riblets to perfection with our easy-to-follow guide that will leave your guests craving for more.

As the summer months approach, it’s time to dust off your grill and get ready for some delicious outdoor cooking. If you’re a fan of tender and juicy meat, then riblets are a must-try for your next BBQ session.

These small, succulent cuts of meat are perfect for grilling and can be seasoned in a variety of ways to suit any taste buds. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of cooking riblets on the grill to perfection.

Whether you’re a seasoned grill master or just starting out, this step-by-step guide will help you create mouth-watering riblets that will impress your friends and family at your next cookout. So fire up the grill and let’s get started!

What Are Pork Riblets?

how to cook riblets on the grill easy amp delicious guide

Pork riblets are small cuts of meat that come from the pork spare ribs. They are typically cut into smaller portions, making them perfect for grilling and snacking.

Riblets have a higher ratio of bone to meat than traditional ribs, but they make up for it with their tender and juicy texture.

Riblets can be found in most grocery stores or butcher shops, either fresh or frozen. When selecting riblets, look for ones that have a good amount of meat on them and avoid those with excessive amounts of fat.

Before cooking your riblets on the grill, it’s important to prepare them properly by removing any excess fat or silver skin. This will ensure even cooking and prevent flare-ups while grilling.

Choosing the Riblets

First and foremost, look for fresh pork riblets that have a bright pink color and are free of any discoloration or blemishes. It’s also important to choose cuts that have a good amount of meat on them, as this will ensure they stay juicy during cooking.

Another factor to consider is the thickness of the riblets. While thinner cuts may cook faster, thicker ones tend to be more flavorful and tender when cooked properly.

So if you’re looking for maximum flavor and tenderness from your grilled riblets, opt for thicker cuts.

Lastly, pay attention to how much fat is on each cut – while some marbling can add flavor and moisture during cooking; too much fat can cause flare-ups on the grill which could lead to unevenly cooked meat or even burnt edges.

How to Buy Pork Riblets

First and foremost, look for fresh cuts of meat that have a bright pink color and minimal fat. Avoid any riblets with brown spots or discoloration as this could indicate spoilage.

It’s also important to consider the size of the riblets when purchasing them. Smaller cuts will cook faster but may dry out if overcooked, while larger ones take longer to cook but can be more forgiving on the grill.

If possible, try to buy your pork riblets from a reputable butcher or grocery store that sources their meat from local farms. This ensures that you’re getting high-quality meat without any added hormones or antibiotics.

How to Store Pork Riblets

To ensure the best quality and taste, follow these simple steps:

  1. Keep the riblets in their original packaging if possible.
  2. If not, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.
  3. Place the wrapped riblets in a resealable plastic bag or an airtight container.
  4. Label and date the package so that you can keep track of how long they have been stored.

When storing pork riblets, it’s essential to keep them at a temperature below 40°F (4°C) to prevent bacterial growth that could cause foodborne illness.

If you plan on using your pork riblets within two days of purchase, store them in the refrigerator on one of its shelves where they will stay fresh for up to four days from purchase date.

Preparing the Riblets for Grilling

Begin by removing the membrane from the back of each riblet. This will help tenderize the meat and allow for better absorption of any marinade or seasoning that you apply later on.

To remove the membrane, use a sharp knife to loosen one end of it and then grab onto it with a paper towel or cloth. Slowly pull off the entire membrane in one piece until all riblets are cleaned.

Next, trim any excess fat from around each riblet using kitchen shears or a sharp knife. Leaving too much fat can cause flare-ups during grilling which may burn your meat.

Once trimmed and cleaned up, pat dry with paper towels before applying seasonings or marinades as desired.

Marinating Riblets

A marinade is a mixture of ingredients that you soak the meat in for several hours or overnight before grilling. This allows the flavors to penetrate deep into the meat, making it more flavorful and tender.

To make a simple marinade for pork riblets, combine olive oil, soy sauce, honey or brown sugar (for sweetness), garlic powder or minced garlic (for flavor), salt and pepper in a bowl. Whisk together until well combined.

Place your pork riblets in a large resealable plastic bag and pour over enough marinade to coat all sides of each piece evenly. Seal tightly then massage gently so that every part gets coated with the mixture.

Refrigerate for at least 2 hours but preferably overnight so that they can absorb as much flavor as possible from your chosen mixtures. When ready to grill remove from refrigerator about an hour before cooking time allowing them come up room temperature which will help ensure even cooking throughout.

Preheat the Grill

This will ensure that the grill is hot enough to cook the meat properly and prevent sticking. Preheating also helps to create those beautiful sear marks on your riblets.

To preheat, turn all burners on high for about 10-15 minutes with the lid closed. If you’re using a charcoal grill, light up a full chimney of coals and let them burn until they are covered in white ash before spreading them out evenly across the bottom of the grill.

Once your grill is heated up, use a wire brush or scraper tool to clean off any debris from previous grilling sessions. A clean cooking surface will help prevent flare-ups and ensure even cooking.

Preparing the Grill Grates

This will ensure that your meat doesn’t stick to the grill and that it cooks evenly. The first step is to clean the grates thoroughly with a wire brush or scraper.

Make sure you remove any debris or leftover food from previous cookouts.

Next, oil the grates lightly with cooking spray or a high-heat oil such as canola oil using a paper towel held by tongs. Be careful not to use too much oil as this can cause flare-ups on your grill.

Once oiled, preheat your grill for 10-15 minutes on high heat before reducing it down for direct heat cooking (medium-high) if needed according to recipe instructions.

Grilling Riblets: Direct Heat

This technique involves placing the meat directly over the flames, allowing it to cook quickly and evenly. To grill your riblets using direct heat, preheat your grill to medium-high temperature (around 375°F).

Once heated up, place your marinated or seasoned riblets on the hot grates and let them cook for about 5-7 minutes per side.

It’s important not to overcrowd your grill as this can cause uneven cooking and prevent proper searing of the meat. You want each piece of riblet to have enough space around it so that they can brown nicely without sticking together.

When you’re ready to flip them over, use tongs instead of a fork as piercing with a fork will release juices from inside which will dry out ribs while cooking. Once both sides are cooked through with nice char marks on each side remove from direct heat onto indirect heat or turn down one burner if using gas grill then brush some BBQ sauce generously all over both sides before returning back onto direct flame again until caramelized but not burnt.

Grilling Riblets: Indirect Heat

This technique involves cooking the meat away from the direct flames, which allows it to cook more slowly and evenly. To grill riblets using indirect heat, you’ll need to set up your grill with two zones – one for direct heat and one for indirect.

To do this, light your charcoal or gas grill as usual and let it preheat until it reaches a temperature of around 225-250°F. Once heated up, move all of the coals or burners over to one side of the grill so that you have a hot zone on one side and an empty cooler zone on the other.

Place your seasoned pork riblets onto the cooler side of the grate (opposite from where there are no coals) with bones facing down if possible; cover them with lid leaving vents open above them in order not to suffocate fire completely. Cooking time will vary depending on how thick they are but expect about 2 hours total cooking time at this temperature range.

Slow-Grilling Riblets

This method involves cooking the riblets over low heat for an extended period, allowing them to absorb all of the flavors from your marinade or rub.

To slow-grill your pork riblets, start by preheating one side of your grill on high heat and leaving the other side unlit. Once heated, place your marinated or seasoned ribs on the cool side of the grill with their bones facing down.

Close the lid and let them cook slowly for about 2-3 hours.

During this time, you can occasionally check on them to ensure they are not burning or drying out. You may also want to baste them with some BBQ sauce every 30 minutes for added flavor.

Making a BBQ Sauce

While there are many store-bought options available, making your own sauce can take your dish to the next level. The beauty of making your own BBQ sauce is that you can customize it to suit your taste preferences and experiment with different flavors.

To make a basic barbecue sauce, start by combining ketchup, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce and spices like garlic powder or smoked paprika in a bowl. Whisk everything together until well combined and smooth.

If you prefer spicy sauces add some hot pepper flakes or cayenne pepper for an extra kick of heat. For those who love sweet sauces add honey instead of brown sugar for sweetness.

Once you have made the base recipe feel free to experiment with other ingredients such as mustard or molasses which will give it more depth in flavor. Remember that homemade barbecue sauces tend not to last as long as store-bought ones so be sure only make what you need at any given time.

Brushing With Sauce

Brushing on the sauce during grilling will give your riblets that classic sticky and sweet flavor that everyone loves. To do this, simply use a basting brush or spoon to apply the sauce evenly over both sides of each riblet.

Be sure not to add too much at once as this can cause flare-ups on the grill.

If you prefer a spicier flavor, consider adding some hot sauce or cayenne pepper into your BBQ sauce mixture for an extra kick. Alternatively, if you’re looking for something sweeter, try mixing in honey or brown sugar.

Remember that different sauces have different cooking times and temperatures so be sure to read instructions carefully before applying them onto your grilled meat.

Basting Riblets During Grilling

Basting involves brushing the meat with a liquid mixture, such as a marinade or BBQ sauce, while it’s cooking on the grill. This helps to keep the meat from drying out and adds extra flavor.

To baste your riblets, start by applying your chosen sauce or marinade generously over both sides of each piece before placing them on the grill. Once you’ve started grilling, use a brush to apply more of your liquid mixture every 10-15 minutes throughout cooking time.

Be careful not to overdo it with basting though – too much can cause flare-ups and charred spots on your meat. A light coating every so often will do just fine.

Checking Doneness

Undercooked meat can be dangerous and overcooked meat can be tough and dry. The best way to check if your riblets are done is by using a meat thermometer.

Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the riblet, making sure not to touch any bones as this will give an inaccurate reading.

For pork, the safe internal temperature is 145°F (63°C). Once you reach this temperature, remove them from heat and let them rest for at least three minutes before serving.

This resting period allows juices in the meat to redistribute throughout so that they remain juicy when cut into.

If you don’t have a thermometer on hand or prefer not using one, there are other ways of checking if your ribs are cooked through:

  • Cut open one of the thicker pieces near its bone; it should no longer look raw.
  • Check that clear juices run out when pierced with a fork.
  • Wiggle one piece around; it should move easily without feeling stiff or rubbery.

Resting the Riblets

This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more tender and flavorful bite. Resting also helps prevent any dryness that may occur if you cut into the meat too soon.

To rest your riblets, remove them from the grill and place them on a cutting board or platter. Cover loosely with foil or a clean kitchen towel and let sit for 5-10 minutes before slicing into individual portions.

During this time, you can prepare any sides or sauces that will accompany your delicious grilled riblets. Once rested, slice between each bone of each rack of ribs using a sharp knife for easy serving.

Serving Suggestions for Riblets

There are many ways you can present your delicious riblets, depending on the occasion and personal preference. Here are some serving suggestions for your grilled pork riblets:

1. Classic BBQ Style: Serve with a side of coleslaw or potato salad and corn on the cob for a classic BBQ meal.

2. Asian-Inspired: Pair with steamed rice and stir-fried vegetables like bok choy or broccoli for an Asian-inspired dish.

3. Tex-Mex Twist: Top with salsa, guacamole, sour cream, and shredded cheese for a Tex-Mex twist.

4. Finger Food Fun: Cut into smaller pieces before grilling and serve as finger food appetizers at parties or gatherings.

5. Salad Topping Delight: Slice the cooked meat thinly over mixed greens topped off by dressing of choice.

Storing Leftover Riblets

To keep them fresh and safe for consumption, place the leftover riblets in an airtight container or wrap them tightly with plastic wrap. Store the container or wrapped meat in the refrigerator for up to three days.

If you have more leftover riblets than you can eat within three days, consider freezing them instead of keeping them in the fridge. Wrap each individual portion tightly with plastic wrap and then aluminum foil before placing it into a freezer-safe bag or container.

Label each package with its contents and date before storing it in your freezer.

When reheating leftover riblets from either storage method, make sure they reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) before consuming to ensure they are safe to eat.

Cleaning the Grill

This will help extend the life of your grill and ensure that it’s ready for use next time. The first step is to turn off the heat and let the grill cool down completely before cleaning.

Once cooled, remove any leftover food debris from the grates using a wire brush or scraper. For stubborn residue, soak them in warm soapy water for a few minutes before scrubbing again.

Next, wipe down all surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge dipped in hot soapy water. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry everything off with paper towels or an old rag.


How long does it take to cook pork riblets on the grill?

It takes 1 and a half hours to cook pork riblets on the grill.

How to cook pork riblets on gas grill?

To cook pork riblets on a gas grill, place them bone-side up on the unheated side of a preheated grill, cook for 1.5 hours, flip and cook for another 1.5 hours until the meat shrinks back from the bones.

How long does it take to cook ribs on the grill?

It takes about 1 ½ to 2 hours to cook ribs on the grill, depending on the heat, and they should be tender and easily pierced with a fork when done.

What are some delicious marinades and rubs for grilling pork riblets?

Some delicious marinades and rubs for grilling pork riblets include honey-mustard, spicy BBQ, Asian-inspired soy-ginger, and smoky paprika-garlic.

How can you ensure that pork riblets remain tender and juicy while grilling?

To ensure that pork riblets remain tender and juicy while grilling, marinate them beforehand and cook them over low heat, turning occasionally, to allow even cooking and prevent drying out.

What are the ideal temperature settings and techniques for grilling riblets on a charcoal grill?

Ideal temperature settings and techniques for grilling riblets on a charcoal grill include preheating the grill to 300°F-350°F (150°C-180°C), indirect grilling method, and cooking for 1.5-2 hours until tender.
