How to Grill Thin Sliced Chicken Breast: Easy Steps & Tips

Discover the art of grilling perfectly juicy and flavorful thin-sliced chicken breasts with our easy-to-follow guide that guarantees success every time.

Grilling thin sliced chicken breast can be a tricky task, but it’s a great way to create delicious and healthy meals. Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy weeknight dinner or something to impress your guests at your next barbecue, learning how to grill thin sliced chicken breast is essential.

In this article, we’ll share some tips and tricks that will help you achieve perfectly grilled chicken every time. So let’s fire up the grill and get cooking!

Choosing the Right Chicken Breasts

how to grill thin sliced chicken breast easy steps amp tips

When it comes to grilling thin sliced chicken breast, choosing the right type of chicken is crucial. You want to select boneless, skinless chicken breasts that are evenly sized and not too thick.

Thin-sliced or pounded-out breasts work best for quick and even cooking on the grill.

If you’re buying pre-packaged chicken from your local grocery store, make sure to check the label for any added preservatives or flavorings that may affect your marinade or seasoning choices. Organic and free-range options are always a great choice if available.

Alternatively, consider visiting a local butcher shop where you can choose high-quality cuts of meat with confidence in their sourcing practices.

Preparing the Chicken Breast

Begin by selecting high-quality chicken breasts that are thin-sliced and uniform in size. If the slices vary in thickness, they will cook unevenly on the grill.

Next, rinse the chicken under cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Then place each slice between two sheets of plastic wrap or parchment paper and pound them gently with a meat mallet until they’re an even thickness of about 1/4 inch.

Pounding not only helps to tenderize the meat but also ensures that all pieces cook evenly on the grill without drying out or burning.

Once you’ve pounded all your slices, season them generously with salt and pepper before marinating or seasoning as desired.

Pound the Chicken

This will help it cook evenly and prevent any dry or overcooked spots. One way to achieve this is by pounding the chicken breasts with a meat mallet or rolling pin until they are an even thickness.

To pound the chicken, place each piece between two sheets of plastic wrap and use a flat side of a meat mallet or rolling pin to gently pound them until they are about 1/4 inch thick. Be careful not to hit too hard as you don’t want to tear through the flesh.

Pounding also has another benefit: It tenderizes tougher cuts like boneless skinless chicken breasts which can be notoriously dry when grilled without proper preparation.

Make the Marinade

A good marinade should have an acidic component, such as vinegar or citrus juice, which helps tenderize the meat and infuse it with flavor. You can also add herbs, spices, oils or other ingredients depending on your taste preferences.

To make a basic marinade for thin sliced chicken breast, start by combining olive oil with lemon juice or vinegar in a bowl. Add minced garlic cloves and some dried herbs like oregano or thyme for extra flavor.

Whisk everything together until well combined.

Place the chicken breasts in a large resealable plastic bag and pour the marinade over them making sure they are fully coated. Seal the bag tightly removing any excess air before placing it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes up to 2 hours (for best results).

Remember that marinating time depends on how thick your slices of chicken breast are – thinner slices require less time than thicker ones because they absorb flavors faster due to their surface area-to-volume ratio.

Marinating the Chicken

It not only adds flavor but also helps to tenderize the meat, making it juicy and succulent. A good marinade should have an acidic component like lemon juice or vinegar, oil for moisture, and herbs or spices for added flavor.

To marinate your chicken breasts properly, start by placing them in a large resealable plastic bag with your chosen marinade ingredients. Seal the bag tightly and massage it gently to ensure that all parts of the chicken are coated evenly.

For best results, let your chicken marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before grilling. However, you can also leave it overnight if you want more intense flavors.

Remember to discard any leftover marinade as raw poultry may contaminate it with bacteria that could cause foodborne illness if consumed later on.

Preparing Your Grill

Whether you’re using a gas or charcoal grill, make sure that the grates are clean and well-oiled to prevent sticking. You can use a wire brush or scraper to remove any debris from the grates and then wipe them down with oil using a paper towel.

If you’re using a gas grill, preheat it on high for 10-15 minutes before cooking. This will ensure that the temperature is consistent throughout and help prevent sticking.

For charcoal grills, light your coals about 30 minutes before cooking so they have time to heat up evenly. Once they are hot and covered in ash (usually after about 20-30 minutes), spread them out in an even layer across one side of the grill for direct heat cooking or on both sides of the grate for indirect heat cooking.

Seasoning the Chicken

Seasoning the chicken is an essential step in creating a delicious grilled dish. You can use any seasoning that you like, but we recommend keeping it simple with salt and pepper or using a pre-made spice blend.

To season the chicken, sprinkle both sides of each breast generously with your chosen seasoning. Be sure to rub the spices into the meat so that they stick well and penetrate deeply for maximum flavor.

If you’re feeling adventurous, try experimenting with different herbs and spices such as garlic powder, paprika or cumin for added depth of flavor. Just be careful not to overdo it – too much seasoning can overpower the natural taste of the chicken.

Remember that when grilling thin sliced chicken breast on high heat, some of its moisture will evaporate quickly which may cause dryness if overcooked; therefore adding enough salt before grilling helps retain moisture in meat while cooking by breaking down proteins which results in juicier texture after cooking.

Grilling Techniques

One of the most important things you can do is to preheat your grill properly. This will help prevent sticking and ensure that your chicken cooks through without burning on the outside.

Another technique is to oil both sides of the chicken breasts before placing them on the grill. This will help prevent sticking, as well as add flavor and moisture.

When grilling thin sliced chicken breast, it’s also important not to overcook it. Chicken breasts are done when they reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).

To avoid dryness, remove them from heat just before they reach this temperature since they’ll continue cooking for a few minutes after being removed from heat due to residual heat.

Let your grilled thin-sliced chicken rest for a few minutes before serving or slicing into pieces so that all juices settle in meat fibers instead of spilling out onto cutting board or plate which would make meat dry out quickly.

Cooking Times and Temperatures

The key to perfectly grilled thin sliced chicken breast is getting the timing and temperature just right. Cooking times will vary depending on the thickness of your chicken breasts, but a good rule of thumb is 2-3 minutes per side over medium-high heat.

To ensure that your chicken cooks evenly, try using an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of each piece. Chicken should be cooked until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (75°C).

Be careful not to overcook or undercook as this can result in dry or rubbery meat.

If you’re grilling breaded thin sliced chicken breast, cook them for about 4-5 minutes per side until they are golden brown and crispy on both sides.

Remember that every grill is different so keep a close eye on your food while it’s cooking. If you notice any flare-ups or burning spots, move the pieces around accordingly.

Testing for Doneness

Undercooked chicken can be dangerous and lead to foodborne illnesses. The best way to test for doneness is by using a meat thermometer.

Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the chicken breast, making sure not to touch any bones or gristle as this can give an inaccurate reading.

The internal temperature should reach 165°F (74°C) for fully cooked chicken breasts. If you don’t have a meat thermometer on hand, another method is cutting into one of the thicker pieces and checking if there are any pink juices running out from inside; if so, continue cooking until they run clear.

Remember that thin-sliced cuts cook quickly over high heat on a grill – so keep an eye on them! Overcooking will result in dry and tough meat while undercooking poses health risks.

Grilling Breaded Chicken Slices

The key is to use the right technique and equipment. First, make sure your grill grates are clean and well-oiled so that the breading doesn’t stick.

Preheat your grill on medium-high heat for about 10 minutes before adding the chicken slices.

Place each slice directly onto the hot grates and cook for about 3-4 minutes per side or until golden brown with crispy edges. Be careful not to overcook them as they can dry out quickly.

One tip is to use panko breadcrumbs instead of regular breadcrumbs as they tend to hold up better on the grill without burning or falling off.

Resting the Chicken

Resting allows the juices in the meat to redistribute and settle, resulting in a more tender and flavorful final product.

To rest your grilled chicken breast, simply remove it from the heat source and place it on a clean plate or cutting board. Tent loosely with foil or another piece of parchment paper for about 5-10 minutes depending on how thick they are.

During this time you can prepare any sides that you plan on serving with your meal. Once rested slice against the grain into strips or cubes as desired.

Serving Suggestions

There are countless ways to enjoy this delicious and versatile protein, so let your creativity run wild! Here are some serving suggestions that will take your grilled chicken game to the next level:

1. Salad: Thinly slice the grilled chicken and toss it with fresh greens, vegetables, nuts or seeds for a healthy and satisfying salad.

2. Sandwiches: Layer slices of grilled chicken on bread or buns with lettuce, tomato slices or avocado for a quick lunch option.

3. Tacos: Shred the cooked chicken into small pieces and use as filling in tacos topped with salsa fresca.

4. Pasta dishes: Add sliced grilled chicken breasts over pasta tossed in olive oil garlic sauce along with cherry tomatoes & basil leaves.

5.Kebabs : Skewer marinated thin-sliced Chicken Breast alongwith veggies like bell peppers,onions,tomatoes etc., grill them together until charred.Serve hot!

Pairing With Sides

When it comes to choosing sides, you want something that complements and enhances the flavors of your chicken without overpowering it. Here are some great side dishes that pair well with grilled thin sliced chicken breast:

1. Grilled Vegetables: Grilling vegetables alongside your chicken is a great way to add some color and nutrition to your plate.

2. Salad: A fresh salad is always a good choice when serving grilled meat, especially if you’re looking for something light and refreshing.

3. Rice or Quinoa: These grains make an excellent base for any meal, but they work particularly well with flavorful meats like grilled thin sliced chicken breast.

4. Roasted Potatoes or Sweet Potatoes: Roasting potatoes in the oven while grilling up some juicy slices of chicken makes for a hearty and satisfying meal.

5. Corn on The Cob: Nothing screams summer quite like corn on the cob! It’s sweet flavor pairs perfectly with savory seasoned slices of tender juicy meat!

Flavor Variations

You can experiment with different flavors and seasonings to create a variety of delicious dishes. Here are some flavor variations you can try:

1. Lemon Herb: Combine lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, thyme, rosemary and oregano for a fresh and zesty taste.

2. Teriyaki: Mix soy sauce, brown sugar or honey with ginger powder for an Asian-inspired marinade.

3. BBQ: Use your favorite BBQ sauce or make your own by combining ketchup, brown sugar or molasses with Worcestershire sauce.

4. Spicy Cajun: Add cayenne pepper to paprika-based seasoning mix for a spicy kick.

5. Mediterranean Style: Marinate in olive oil mixed with garlic powder and dried herbs like basil & parsley.

Storing Leftovers

Proper storage is essential to maintain the quality and safety of your food. To store leftover grilled chicken, let it cool down first before transferring it into an airtight container or resealable plastic bag.

You can keep the cooked chicken in the refrigerator for up to four days or freeze it for up to three months.

When reheating leftover grilled chicken, make sure that its internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C) before consuming. You can reheat your leftovers by microwaving them on high heat until they’re hot all over or by placing them in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) until heated through.

Safety Tips

Here are some essential safety tips to keep in mind when grilling thin sliced chicken breast:

  1. Always wash your hands before and after handling raw chicken.
  2. Use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw meat and other foods.
  3. Make sure the grill is clean before cooking on it.
  4. Keep a spray bottle of water nearby in case of flare-ups or small fires.
  5. Use long-handled tongs or spatulas instead of forks to turn the chicken, as piercing the meat can cause juices to escape and increase the risk of contamination.

Nutrition Information

It’s low in fat, high in protein, and packed with essential vitamins and minerals. A 3-ounce serving of grilled chicken breast contains approximately 140 calories, 26 grams of protein, less than one gram of carbohydrates or sugar, and only two grams of fat.

To make your grilled chicken even healthier, you can choose organic or free-range chickens that are raised without antibiotics or hormones. You can also experiment with different marinades to add flavor without adding extra calories.

Gluten-Free Adaptable Note

Simply swap out any ingredients that contain gluten for their gluten-free counterparts. For example, use tamari instead of soy sauce and make sure your marinade doesn’t contain any wheat-based products.

When it comes to grilling the chicken, be sure to clean your grill thoroughly before cooking to avoid cross-contamination with any previous meals containing gluten. You can also use aluminum foil or a non-stick mat on the grill surface as an extra precaution.

By making these simple adjustments, you can enjoy delicious grilled thin-sliced chicken breasts without compromising your dietary needs or restrictions.

Expert Tips & Tricks

Here are some of the best tips from seasoned grillers that will help you achieve perfectly grilled chicken every time.

1. Use a meat thermometer: To ensure your chicken is cooked through without overcooking it, use an instant-read meat thermometer to check the internal temperature.

2. Don’t overcrowd the grill: Make sure there’s enough space between each piece of chicken on the grill so that they cook evenly and don’t stick together.

3. Oil your grates: Before placing your chicken on the grill, brush or spray oil onto your grates to prevent sticking and make clean-up easier.

4. Let it rest: After removing from heat source let them rest for 5-10 minutes before slicing or serving; this allows juices to redistribute throughout making them juicier when served.

By following these expert tips and tricks along with our guide above, you’ll soon become a pro at grilling thin sliced chicken breasts!


How long do you grill thin sliced chicken breast?

Grill thin sliced chicken breast on medium to high heat for 6-8 minutes on each side until it reaches 165 F.

How to grill thin chicken breast on gas grill?

To grill thin chicken breast on a gas grill, preheat it to medium-high heat (350-400°F), lightly grease the surface, add the chicken and cook for 8 minutes with the lid closed, then rotate, close the lid, reduce heat to medium, and cook for an additional 7-10 minutes until the internal temperature reaches 165°F.

Does thin sliced chicken cook faster?

Yes, thin sliced chicken cooks faster due to its evenly thick slices and short cooking time, resulting in moist and juicy pieces without dry edges.

How do you grill chicken breast without drying it out?

To grill chicken breast without drying it out, submerge it in a salt-water solution (brining) before grilling to prevent overcooking, improve grill marks, and maintain juiciness.

What are the best marinades for thin sliced chicken breast to enhance flavor while grilling?

The best marinades for thin-sliced chicken breast to enhance flavor while grilling include Italian dressing, teriyaki sauce, and a mixture of lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, and herbs.

How should you prepare the grill for optimal results when grilling thin sliced chicken breast?

To prepare the grill for optimal results when grilling thin sliced chicken breast, preheat it to medium-high heat and oil the grates to prevent sticking.

Can you grill frozen thin sliced chicken breast, and if so, are there any adjustments needed in the grilling process?

Yes, you can grill frozen thin sliced chicken breast, but adjustments needed include a lower heat and longer cooking time to ensure even cooking and food safety.
