How to Grill Bison Burgers: Ultimate Guide for Juicy Results

Discover the art of grilling perfectly juicy and flavorful bison burgers with our easy-to-follow guide that will leave your taste buds craving for more.

As the weather warms up, it’s time to fire up the grill and enjoy some delicious burgers. But why stick to the same old beef patties when you can try something new and exciting? Enter bison burgers – a leaner, healthier alternative that packs a flavorful punch.

Grilling bison burgers may seem intimidating at first, but with a few tips and tricks, you’ll be able to cook them perfectly every time. In this article, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about grilling bison burgers – from selecting the right meat to seasoning and cooking techniques.

So grab your apron and let’s get grilling!

Choosing the Right Bison Meat

how to grill bison burgers ultimate guide for juicy results

When it comes to grilling bison burgers, choosing the right meat is crucial. Bison meat is leaner than beef and has a slightly sweeter taste, making it an excellent choice for those who want a healthier alternative without sacrificing flavor.

When selecting bison meat for your burgers, look for ground bison that has at least 90% lean content. This will ensure that your burger patties hold together well on the grill and don’t fall apart during cooking.

It’s also important to choose high-quality grass-fed or pasture-raised bison if possible as they tend to have better flavor profiles compared to grain-fed ones. You can find these options in specialty stores or online retailers.

Once you’ve selected your ground bison, make sure you handle it with care when forming into patties so as not overwork the mixture which could result in tough burgers.

Preparing the Grilling Area

This will ensure that your burgers cook evenly and don’t stick to the grill. First, clean the grill grates thoroughly with a wire brush or scraper to remove any leftover debris from previous use.

Next, oil the grate using a paper towel dipped in vegetable oil or cooking spray – this will prevent sticking and help create those beautiful grill marks on your burger patties.

Make sure that you have all of your necessary tools within reach before starting – tongs for flipping burgers, spatula for removing them from the grill and a meat thermometer for checking internal temperature are essential items.

It’s also important to consider safety when preparing your grilling area. Keep flammable materials away from heat sources and never leave an active fire unattended.


Start with high-quality ground bison meat that is at least 90% lean and 10% fat. This will ensure that your burgers are juicy and flavorful without being too greasy.

Next, consider adding some additional ingredients to enhance the flavor of your burger patties. Some popular options include diced onions or garlic for a savory kick, Worcestershire sauce for added depth of flavor, or even grated cheese mixed into the meat for a cheesy twist.

Don’t forget about toppings! While classic burger toppings like lettuce and tomato work well with bison burgers too, consider trying something new like caramelized onions or sautéed mushrooms to take your burger game up a notch.

Lastly, choose quality condiments such as mustard or ketchup made from natural ingredients rather than artificial ones.

Selecting Seasonings and Spices

Bison meat has a distinct flavor that can be easily overwhelmed by too many spices or seasonings. However, adding the right combination of herbs and spices can enhance the natural taste of bison and take your burger to the next level.

Some popular seasonings for bison burgers include garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, cumin, chili powder and black pepper. You may also want to experiment with fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme for an added burst of flavor.

To ensure that your seasoning complements rather than overpowers the taste of your burger patty; start with small amounts when mixing in dry ingredients such as salt or spice blends into ground meat mixture before forming patties.

Mixing and Forming the Burger Patties

The key to making great burgers is in the mixing and forming of the meat. When handling bison meat, it’s important not to overwork or compress it too much as this can result in tough and dry burgers.

To begin with, take your ground bison meat out of the fridge and let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before mixing. This will help prevent uneven cooking on the grill.

Next, add any desired seasonings or spices into a bowl with your ground bison – but be careful not to go overboard! Bison has a naturally rich flavor that doesn’t need much enhancement.

Using clean hands (or gloves), gently mix together all ingredients until just combined – avoid squeezing or pressing down on the mixture too hard as this can cause dense patties that won’t cook evenly.

When forming burger patties from mixed ingredients use an ice cream scoop for uniformity; then shape them into balls using gentle pressure between palms before flattening them slightly into discs. Remember: don’t make thick burgers because they may end up undercooked inside while burnt outside when grilled directly without preheating properly first.

Preheating the Grill

Preheating ensures that the grill is hot enough to sear and cook the meat properly. It also helps prevent sticking and makes cleaning easier.

To preheat your grill, turn all burners on high for 10-15 minutes with the lid closed. This will heat up both gas and charcoal grills evenly.

Once you’ve reached your desired temperature, use a wire brush or scraper to clean any debris from previous cooking sessions off of the grate before placing your bison burgers on it.

Grilling Temperature and Time

The ideal grilling temperature for bison burgers is between 375°F to 400°F, which ensures that the meat cooks evenly without drying out or burning. It’s important to preheat your grill before placing the patties on it, as this helps create a sear on the outside of the burger while keeping it juicy inside.

When it comes to cooking time, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer since different thicknesses of patties require varying amounts of cooking time. As a general rule, cook each side for about four minutes per half-inch thickness until they reach an internal temperature of at least 160°F using an instant-read thermometer.

Remember not to flip your burger too often as this can cause them to fall apart or lose their juices. Instead, flip them only once halfway through cooking and avoid pressing down on them with a spatula as this will squeeze out all those delicious juices you worked so hard for!

Flipping Bison Burgers

Flipping too frequently can cause the patties to fall apart or lose their shape. Instead, wait until you see juices starting to pool on top of the burger before flipping it over.

When it comes time for flipping, use a spatula and gently lift up one edge of each patty before sliding it under and lifting with confidence. Avoid pressing down on your burgers as this will release all those delicious juices that keep them moist and flavorful.

Remember that bison meat is leaner than beef so they cook faster; therefore, only flip once during cooking process unless necessary (e.g., if there are flare-ups).

How Long to Grill Bison Burgers

The cooking time for bison burgers depends on several factors such as their thickness, size, and desired level of doneness. As a general rule of thumb, cook each side for about 4-5 minutes over medium-high heat for medium-rare or 6-7 minutes per side if you prefer well-done meat.

However, keep in mind that these are just guidelines and not set-in-stone rules. You should always use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of your burger before removing it from the grill.

Bison burgers should be cooked until they reach an internal temperature of at least 160°F (71°C) to ensure food safety.

Remember that grilling times may vary depending on various factors like weather conditions or altitude levels; therefore monitoring with a thermometer is crucial when cooking any type of meat.

Testing for Doneness

Unlike beef burgers, which can be cooked to varying degrees of doneness, bison meat should be cooked all the way through due to its lean nature. To check if your burger is fully cooked and safe to eat, use a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the patty.

The internal temperature should read 160°F (71°C) or higher.

If you don’t have a thermometer on hand or prefer not to use one, there are other ways to determine if your burger is done cooking. One method is by pressing down on the center of each patty with a spatula – if it feels firm and doesn’t release any juices that are pinkish-red in color (which indicates rawness), then it’s likely done.

Remember that overcooking bison burgers can result in dryness and toughness so aim for an internal temperature between 160-165°F (71-74°C).

Determining Cooking Completion

Unlike beef, which can be served medium-rare or rare, bison meat should always be cooked through due to its lower fat content. To determine if your burger patties are fully cooked, use a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the patty without touching any bones or gristle.

The internal temperature should reach 160°F (71°C) for well-done burgers and 145°F (63°C) for medium-well burgers.

If you don’t have a meat thermometer on hand, you can also check the color of the juices running from the burger when pierced with a fork or knife – clear juices indicate that it’s done while pinkish-red juice means it needs more time on the grill.

Remember not to rely solely on cooking times as different factors such as grill type and thickness of patties may affect how long it takes for them to cook thoroughly.

Adding Toppings and Cheese

The beauty of bison burgers is that they pair well with a variety of flavors, so feel free to get creative! Some classic burger toppings include lettuce, tomato, onion slices or rings, pickles and condiments like ketchup or mustard. For a more gourmet twist on your burger game try adding caramelized onions or sautéed mushrooms.

When it comes to cheese selection for your bison burger there are many options available in the market such as cheddar cheese which pairs perfectly with the rich flavor of bison meat. Blue Cheese crumbles can also be used if you want something tangy and bold while Swiss Cheese adds nutty notes that complement the leaner taste profile of Bison meat.

Remember not all cheeses melt at the same rate so keep an eye on them when grilling; you don’t want burnt melted cheese ruining all your hard work!

Toasting Buns On the Grill

It adds a delicious smoky flavor and gives your burgers that extra crunch. To toast your buns, simply place them cut-side down on the grill for about 30 seconds to one minute, or until they are lightly browned and crispy.

Make sure to keep an eye on them as they can burn quickly! You can also add some butter or olive oil to enhance their flavor even more.

Once you’ve toasted your buns, it’s time to assemble your burgers with all of your favorite toppings – lettuce, tomato slices, onions rings – whatever you like! And don’t forget the cheese!

Now that you know how easy it is to toast buns on the grill for perfectly crispy and flavorful burgers every time – go ahead and give it a try at home.

Resting the Cooked Burgers

This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat and ensures that each bite is juicy and flavorful. To rest your burgers, simply remove them from the grill using a spatula or tongs and place them on a clean plate or cutting board.

Cover loosely with foil or an inverted bowl to keep warm while they rest for about 5-10 minutes.

During this time, you can prepare any toppings you want on your burger such as sliced tomatoes, lettuce leaves, onions rings etc., toast buns if desired and get ready for assembling.

Assembling the Bison Burgers

Start by placing the burger patty on a toasted bun and adding your favorite toppings. Traditional options like lettuce, tomato, onion, and pickles work well with bison burgers.

You can also experiment with different cheeses such as cheddar or blue cheese for added flavor.

For an extra kick of flavor, try adding some condiments like ketchup or mustard. If you’re feeling adventurous, consider making a homemade sauce using ingredients like mayonnaise and hot sauce.

Don’t forget about the sides! A classic side dish for any burger is fries – but why not mix things up? Consider serving sweet potato fries or grilled vegetables alongside your bison burger for a healthier option that still packs plenty of flavor.

Serving Suggestions and Sides

The great thing about bison burgers is that they pair well with a variety of flavors and textures. Here are some serving suggestions and side dishes that will take your burger game to the next level:

1. Classic Fries: You can never go wrong with a side of crispy fries! Whether you prefer shoestring or steak-cut, fries are the perfect complement to any burger.

2. Grilled Vegetables: Add some color and nutrition to your meal by grilling up some veggies like zucchini, bell peppers, or asparagus.

3. Sweet Potato Wedges: For a healthier twist on classic fries, try making sweet potato wedges instead! They’re just as tasty but packed with more nutrients.

4. Coleslaw: A refreshing coleslaw is an excellent choice for balancing out the richness of bison meat while adding crunchiness and tangy flavor notes.

5.Baked Beans – This classic BBQ staple pairs perfectly well alongside Bison Burgers.

6.Corn on Cob- Freshly grilled corn on cob adds sweetness & texture contrast.

Alternative Cooking Methods

One option is pan-frying them on the stove. Heat up a skillet over medium-high heat and add some oil or butter.

Once hot, place the burger patties in the skillet and cook for about 3-4 minutes per side until browned and cooked through.

Another method is broiling them in your oven’s broiler setting. Preheat your oven’s broiler on high heat with an oven-safe rack positioned at least 6 inches away from it.

Place the burger patties on top of a foil-lined baking sheet and slide it under the broiler for about 5-7 minutes per side until they’re cooked through.

No matter which cooking method you choose, make sure to use an instant-read thermometer to check that your bison burgers reach an internal temperature of at least 160°F (71°C) before serving – this ensures that any harmful bacteria are killed off during cooking.

Storing and Reheating Leftovers

To keep your cooked burgers fresh for longer, place them in an airtight container or wrap them tightly in plastic wrap before storing them in the refrigerator. Cooked bison meat can last up to four days when stored correctly.

When reheating leftover bison burgers, it’s best not to use the microwave as this can dry out the meat and make it tough. Instead, preheat your oven or toaster oven at 350°F (175°C) and place the burger on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper for about 10 minutes until heated through.

Another option is to reheat your burger on a stovetop grill pan over medium heat until warmed through – this method will help retain moisture while adding some extra charred flavor.

Storage Tips

To keep them fresh and safe for consumption, follow these simple storage tips:

  1. Allow the cooked burgers to cool down completely before storing them in an airtight container or resealable plastic bag.
  2. Label the container with the date of preparation and use within three days.
  3. Store in the refrigerator at 40°F or below.
  4. If you have more than what can be consumed within three days, consider freezing them instead of refrigerating.

When reheating leftover bison burgers, make sure they reach an internal temperature of 165°F before consuming again.

By following these storage tips, you’ll be able to enjoy your delicious grilled bison burger even after grilling day is over!


What temperature do you grill bison burgers?

Grill bison burgers at medium-high heat (about 400˚F) for 5-6 minutes per side or until the internal temperature reaches a minimum of 145˚F (160˚F for well done).

How do you know when a bison burger is done?

A bison burger is done when it reaches an internal temperature of at least 160°F and has clear juices, not red.

What are the tips for cooking bison burgers?

To ensure juicy bison burgers, cook them in a skillet at moderate heat with butter, searing until medium-rare (130-135°F) or rare to prevent dryness.

What are the best seasoning options for enhancing the flavor of bison burgers?

Best seasoning options for bison burgers include garlic, onion, salt, pepper, and Worcestershire sauce.

Can you provide a step-by-step guide for preparing and grilling bison burgers?

1. Gather ingredients (bison meat, seasoning, oil), 2. Prepare grill, 3. Mix bison meat & seasoning, 4. Form into patties, 5. Oil grill, 6. Cook patties (flipping occasionally), 7. Check internal temp (160°F /71°C), 8. Serve.

Are there any differences in grilling bison burgers compared to beef burgers?

Yes, grilling bison burgers requires a lower temperature and shorter cooking time compared to beef burgers due to their leaner nature.
