How to Grill Frozen Burgers: Easy Steps for Tasty Results

Discover the simple steps to perfectly grill frozen burgers every time for a delicious and convenient meal.

It’s a beautiful summer day, and you’re craving a juicy burger hot off the grill. But wait, you forgot to thaw your burgers! Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.

Grilling frozen burgers is not only possible but also delicious if done correctly. In this article, we’ll share some tips and tricks on how to grill frozen burgers like a pro.

So fire up the grill and get ready for some mouth-watering goodness!

Selecting Frozen Burgers

how to grill frozen burgers easy steps for tasty results

When it comes to selecting frozen burgers, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, make sure the burgers you choose are of good quality.

Look for brands that use high-quality beef with minimal additives or preservatives.

Another important factor is the size and thickness of the burger patty. Thicker patties will take longer to cook than thinner ones, so consider your cooking time when making your selection.

Lastly, think about any additional flavors or seasonings you may want in your burger. Some frozen patties come pre-seasoned or infused with different flavors like bacon or cheese.

Thawing Process

There are two ways to do this: in the refrigerator or using a microwave. If you have time, we recommend thawing the burgers in the fridge overnight.

This method ensures that your meat thaws evenly and stays at a safe temperature.

If you’re short on time, use your microwave’s defrost setting to speed up the process. However, be careful not to cook them accidentally as microwaves can heat unevenly and cause some parts of meat patties cooked while others remain frozen.

Never leave frozen food out on countertops for extended periods as bacteria can grow rapidly at room temperature causing foodborne illness.

Preparing the Grill

First, clean the grill grates with a wire brush to remove any debris or leftover food from previous use. Then, preheat the grill on high for 10-15 minutes until it reaches a temperature of around 400°F.

Next, oil the grates using tongs and a paper towel dipped in vegetable oil. This will prevent sticking and ensure that your burgers cook evenly without tearing apart when flipped.

If you’re using charcoal instead of gas, make sure that all coals are lit before adding your frozen burgers to avoid uneven cooking temperatures.

How to Prepare Frozen Burgers for Grilling

The first step is to remove any packaging and separate the patties if they are stuck together. Next, use a fork or knife to poke several holes in each patty.

This will help prevent them from puffing up while cooking.

It’s also essential to season your burgers before grilling them. You can use a simple salt and pepper seasoning or get creative with different spices and herbs like garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, or cumin.

If you’re using leaner meat like turkey or chicken burgers that tend to dry out quickly on the grill due to their low-fat content; consider adding some breadcrumbs into the mixture before forming patties as this helps retain moisture during cooking.

Seasoning the Burgers

Seasoning is an essential step in grilling any burger, and frozen burgers are no exception. However, be careful not to over-season your meat as this can overpower the natural flavors of the beef.

You can use a simple seasoning blend of salt and pepper or get creative with other spices like garlic powder or paprika. If you’re feeling adventurous, try adding Worcestershire sauce for an extra kick.

Remember that seasoning should be applied evenly on both sides of each patty before placing them on the grill. This ensures that every bite is packed with flavor.

Under Seasoning Meat

This can result in a bland and unappetizing burger that lacks flavor. To avoid this, be sure to season your burgers generously with salt and pepper before grilling them.

However, keep in mind that you don’t want to overdo it either. Too much seasoning can overpower the natural flavors of the beef and ruin your burger’s taste.

A good rule of thumb is to use about 1/2 teaspoon of salt per pound of meat or adjust according to personal preference. You can also experiment with different spices like garlic powder or paprika for added flavor.


You’ll need a grill with a lid, tongs or spatula for flipping the burgers, and an instant-read thermometer to check their internal temperature. If you’re using charcoal grills, make sure you have enough briquettes or lump charcoal on hand and lighter fluid if needed.

Gas grills are more convenient as they heat up quickly and maintain consistent temperatures throughout cooking. Charcoal grills require more time to set up but offer that classic smoky flavor that many people love in their grilled food.

No matter what type of grill you use, ensure it is clean before starting your cookout session. A dirty grill can affect the taste of your food negatively while also posing health risks due to bacteria buildup from previous meals.

Grill Temperature

Preheat your grill to medium-high heat, which should be around 375°F. If you’re using a gas grill, turn on all burners and close the lid for about ten minutes before placing your burgers on the grates.

If you’re using a charcoal grill, light up enough coals to cover one side of the grate and let them burn until they are covered with white ash before adding your frozen burgers.

It’s crucial not to cook over high heat as this can cause flare-ups that will char or even ruin your burger patties’ taste. Cooking over low heat may result in undercooked meat or unevenly cooked patties.

Temperature Reading

To do this, you need to use a meat thermometer and check the internal temperature of your burgers. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of each burger, making sure not to touch any bones or fat.

The USDA recommends cooking ground beef (including frozen patties) at an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C). This ensures that any harmful bacteria present in raw meat are destroyed and makes your burger safe for consumption.

Don’t rely on visual cues alone; using a meat thermometer takes out all guesswork from grilling frozen burgers.

Burger Placement

Proper burger placement is essential for even cooking and preventing flare-ups. It’s best to place them directly over the heat source, whether that be gas burners or charcoal briquettes.

Make sure there is enough space between each patty so they can cook evenly without touching each other. Overcrowding can cause uneven cooking and steaming instead of searing.

If you’re using a gas grill with multiple burners, turn off one burner after placing your burgers on the grates. This will create an indirect heat zone where you can move any patties that are cooking too quickly or experiencing flare-ups.

Cooking Time

The cooking time will depend on the thickness of your burger and how well done you like it. A good rule of thumb is to cook each side for about 6-7 minutes for a medium-rare burger, 7-8 minutes for a medium burger, and 9-10 minutes for a well-done burger.

It’s important not to overcook your burgers as they can become dry and lose their flavor. To ensure that your burgers are cooked perfectly every time, use an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center of the patty; this will give you an accurate reading of its internal temperature.

Remember that grilling times may vary depending on factors such as grill type or weather conditions; therefore, always keep an eye on them while they’re cooking.

How Long to Grill Frozen Burgers

How long should you grill them for? The answer depends on a few factors, such as the thickness of the burger and the temperature of your grill.

As a general rule of thumb, frozen burgers will take about 5-7 minutes per side on a preheated grill set at medium-high heat. However, it’s essential to use an instant-read thermometer to ensure that they are cooked through thoroughly.

The USDA recommends cooking ground beef patties until they reach an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C). Inserting an instant-read thermometer into the center of each patty is one way to check if they’re done.

If you don’t have one handy or prefer not using thermometers when grilling meat like many people do; look out for signs like juices running clear from inside or no pink color in between layers while cutting with knife/fork.

Remember that every grill is different and may require some adjustments in cooking times based on its size and power output.

Flipping Techniques

Flipping too early can cause the burger to fall apart, while flipping too late can result in an overcooked or burnt patty. The key is to wait until the burger has developed a crust on one side before flipping.

To achieve this, place your frozen burgers on a preheated grill and let them cook for about 5-6 minutes without touching them. Once you see juices starting to form on top of the patty and seeping through its edges, it’s time for your first flip.

Using a spatula or tongs (never use forks as they pierce holes in meat), gently lift each burger from underneath and turn it over onto its other side. Cook for another 4-5 minutes until that side develops a crust as well.

Checking Doneness

Cutting into a burger to check its color is not always reliable, as some meat may still appear pink even when fully cooked. Instead, use an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the patty without touching any bones or gristle.

For beef burgers, aim for an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C), while turkey and chicken patties should reach 165°F (74°C). If you’re adding cheese to your burgers in the last minute or two of cooking time, make sure they reach their desired temperature before removing them from heat.

Remember that carryover cooking can occur after removing meat from heat. So if your burger is within five degrees below its target temperature when checking with a thermometer probe and has been on indirect heat for at least three minutes per side; it will continue cooking off-heat until reaching its final internal temp goal during this resting period.

Adding Cheese

Once you’ve flipped your burgers, add a slice of cheese on top and let it melt for about 30 seconds before removing them from the grill. You can use any type of cheese that melts well, such as cheddar or Swiss.

If you want to get creative, try adding blue cheese crumbles or pepper jack for an extra kick of flavor. Don’t forget that some cheeses may have different melting points than others; keep this in mind when selecting which one(s) to use.

Bun Options

The bun is just as important as the burger itself and can make or break your meal. There are many options available in the market, from classic sesame seed buns to whole wheat buns for a healthier option.

If you’re looking for something different, try using pretzel buns or ciabatta rolls for a unique twist on traditional burgers. For those who prefer gluten-free options, there are also gluten-free hamburger buns available in most grocery stores.

When selecting your bun, consider its size and texture. A good rule of thumb is to choose a slightly larger bun than your patty so that it doesn’t overpower the burger’s flavor but still holds all of its toppings together nicely.

Remember that grilling both sides of the bread will add an extra layer of flavor and crunchiness while keeping everything together when biting into it.

Topping Ideas

The possibilities are endless when it comes to burger toppings, but here are a few ideas to get you started.

  1. Classic Toppings: Ketchup, mustard, pickles and onions never go out of style.
  2. Cheese: Add some melted cheddar or Swiss cheese for an extra layer of flavor.
  3. Bacon: Everything is better with bacon! Crispy bacon adds a salty crunch to your burger.
  4. Avocado: For a healthier option add sliced avocado on top for creaminess and healthy fats
  5. Caramelized Onions : Cooked low and slow until they’re sweet & tender caramelized onions make any burger taste gourmet
  6. Mushrooms : Sautéed mushrooms add earthy umami flavors that pair well with beef
  7. Fried Egg : Top your patty off with an over-easy egg for breakfast vibes all day long

Serving Suggestions

A classic burger and fries combo is always a winner, but why not mix things up a bit? Here are some serving suggestions that will take your grilled frozen burgers to the next level:

1. Sweet Potato Fries: Swap out regular fries for sweet potato fries for a healthier option that still satisfies those crispy cravings.

2. Grilled Vegetables: Add some color and nutrition by grilling vegetables like zucchini, bell peppers or onions alongside your burgers.

3. Salad: For those looking for something lighter, pair your burger with a fresh salad topped with avocado or feta cheese.

4. Coleslaw: The creamy crunch of coleslaw makes an excellent side dish that complements the juicy flavors of grilled meat perfectly.

5. Baked Beans: Nothing screams BBQ more than baked beans! Serve them hot on the side as an excellent complement to any burger meal.

Grilling Safety Tips

Here are some tips for safe grilling:

  1. Always keep a fire extinguisher nearby in case of emergencies.
  2. Keep children and pets away from the grill area.
  3. Wear heat-resistant gloves or use long-handled tools to avoid burns.
  4. Use proper lighting techniques when starting the grill, such as using lighter fluid sparingly or investing in an electric starter.
  5. Never leave your grill unattended while cooking.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Here are some common issues you may encounter when grilling frozen burgers and how to troubleshoot them:

1. Burgers sticking to the grill: This can happen if your grill is not hot enough or if you didn’t oil it properly.

To prevent this, make sure your grill is preheated to a high temperature and brush it with oil before placing the burgers on.

2. Uneven cooking: If your burgers are cooking unevenly, try adjusting their placement on the grill or moving them around during cooking.

3. Dry or overcooked meat: Overcooking can result in dry and tough meat that’s no fun to eat! Make sure you’re monitoring internal temperatures using a thermometer so that they reach 160°F without going overboard.

4. Undercooked meat: On the other hand, undercooking poses health risks from bacteria like E.coli which could be present in ground beef patties; ensure that each burger reaches an internal temperature of at least 160°F for safety reasons.

By following these tips for troubleshooting common issues when grilling frozen burgers, you’ll be able to overcome any obstacles thrown at you while still enjoying delicious grilled food!


How long do you grill frozen burgers?

Grill frozen burgers for approximately 15 to 20 minutes, ensuring they reach a safe internal temperature of 160°F.

Can you cook frozen burgers on the grill?

Yes, it is completely safe to cook frozen burgers on the grill as long as they reach an internal temperature of 160°F.

Should you grill frozen burgers with lid open or closed?

You should grill frozen burgers with the lid closed initially, then open for seasoning and flipping.

Is it better to grill frozen burgers?

No, it is better to defrost burgers before grilling, as they cook faster compared to frozen ones which may take twice as long.

What are the essential steps to safely grilling frozen burgers?

Essential steps: thaw frozen burgers, preheat grill, oil grates, season patties, grill 5-7 min per side, and ensure internal temp of 160°F (71°C).

How can I keep the taste and quality of frozen burgers consistent with fresh ones when grilling?

To retain the taste and quality of frozen burgers while grilling, cook them straight from the freezer without thawing, as this helps maintain their flavors and juices.

Are there any specific marinades or seasoning techniques recommended for grilling frozen burgers?

For grilling frozen burgers, a recommended technique involves using pre-seasoned patties or marinating them with preferred flavors.
