How to Grill Shrimp Without Skewers: Easy No-Skewer Method

Discover the art of grilling shrimp to perfection without skewers, as we guide you through a simple yet flavorful technique for your next seafood feast.

Shrimp is one of the most versatile seafood options out there. Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy weeknight dinner or an impressive appetizer for your next dinner party, grilled shrimp is always a crowd-pleaser.

But what if you don’t have skewers on hand? Don’t worry, because in this article, we’ll show you how to grill shrimp without skewers. With these simple tips and tricks, you’ll be able to achieve perfectly cooked shrimp with that delicious smoky flavor that only comes from the grill.

So fire up your grill and let’s get started!

Choosing Fresh or Frozen Shrimp

how to grill shrimp without skewers easy no skewer method

When it comes to grilling shrimp, choosing the right type of shrimp is crucial. You can either opt for fresh or frozen shrimp, depending on what’s available and your personal preference.

Fresh Shrimp: If you’re lucky enough to live near a coastal area where fresh seafood is readily available, then go for it! Freshly caught shrimp have a sweet taste and firm texture that make them perfect for grilling. When buying fresh shrimp, look out for ones with clear eyes and shiny shells.

They should also smell like the ocean – if they have an ammonia-like odor or are slimy to touch, then they’re not good.

Frozen Shrimp: Frozen shrimps are more widely available than their fresh counterparts in most parts of the world. They come in various sizes and types such as raw or cooked; peeled or unpeeled; deveined or not deveined etc., making them convenient options when you don’t have access to freshly caught seafood.

When buying frozen shrimps from grocery stores ensure that there isn’t any ice crystals on them which indicates freezer burn.

Thawing Frozen Shrimp

If you’re using frozen shrimp, make sure to defrost them in the refrigerator overnight or for at least a few hours before cooking. Avoid thawing shrimp at room temperature as this can lead to bacterial growth and spoilage.

If you’re short on time and need to defrost your shrimp quickly, place them in a sealed plastic bag and submerge the bag in cold water for about 30 minutes. Change the water every ten minutes until they are fully thawed.

Never use hot water or microwave methods as these can partially cook the outer layer of your shrimps while leaving their insides still frozen which will affect their texture when grilled.

Preparing Fresh Shrimp

Start by removing the shells and deveining the shrimp, if necessary. To remove the shell, gently pull it off starting from the head end towards the tail end.

You can also use a pair of kitchen scissors to cut along one side of each shell and then peel it off.

Next, you’ll want to devein your shrimp if they haven’t been already cleaned by your fishmonger. Deveining involves removing a thin black line that runs down the back of each shrimp – this is actually its digestive tract! While not harmful to eat, many people prefer their shrimps deveined for aesthetic reasons.

To do this yourself at home: take a sharp knife or kitchen shears and make a shallow incision along one side of each peeled prawn’s back (where you removed its shell). Look for any visible dark vein running lengthwise through its body; use your fingers or tweezers to carefully lift out any veins you find.

Shrimp Seasoning Ideas

Shrimp is a delicate seafood that can easily be overpowered by strong flavors, so it’s important to choose seasonings that complement its natural sweetness and briny flavor.

One classic option is a simple mixture of olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and salt. This combination enhances the natural taste of shrimp without overpowering it with too many spices or herbs.

If you’re looking for something more adventurous, try adding some heat with chili powder or red pepper flakes. A Cajun-style seasoning blend can also add some bold flavor without being too overwhelming.

For those who prefer milder flavors but still want some depth in their dish, consider using fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro along with lemon zest and black pepper. These ingredients will give your grilled shrimp a bright burst of freshness while still allowing its natural taste to shine through.

Marinating Shrimp

Before marinating, make sure that the shrimp are cleaned and deveined. You can use any marinade you like, but we recommend using one with an acidic component such as lemon juice or vinegar to help tenderize the shrimp.

To marinate the shrimp, place them in a resealable plastic bag or container with your chosen marinade for at least 30 minutes before grilling. Be careful not to over-marinate as this can cause the texture of the shrimp to become mushy.

If you’re short on time, try brushing your favorite sauce onto each side of each piece of raw shell-on jumbo Gulf Shrimp just before grilling instead of marinating it beforehand.

Remember that different types and sizes of shrimps require different cooking times so be mindful when preparing them on grill after they have been soaked in marinades.

Preventing Shrimp Stickiness

This can make it difficult to flip and turn them on the grill without leaving some behind. However, there are a few simple tricks you can use to prevent your shrimp from sticking.

Firstly, make sure your grill grates are clean and well-oiled before placing your shrimp on them. You can use a brush or paper towel dipped in oil to coat the grates evenly.

Another tip is to avoid overcrowding your grill with too many shrimps at once as this will cause steam buildup which leads to stickiness. Instead, leave enough space between each piece of seafood so that they cook evenly without touching each other.

Lastly, consider using skewers if you have any available as they help keep individual pieces separate while cooking and also makes flipping easier than when placed directly on the grate.

Grill Setup and Temperature

First, make sure that the grill grates are clean and well-oiled to prevent sticking. Next, preheat the grill to medium-high heat (around 375-400°F).

This will ensure that your shrimp cook evenly without burning or drying out.

If you’re using a gas grill, turn on all burners to high for about 10-15 minutes before reducing the temperature as needed. For charcoal grills, light a chimney starter full of coals and let them burn until they’re covered with white ash before spreading them out in an even layer.

Once your grill is heated up and ready to go, it’s time to start cooking! Whether you choose direct or indirect heat will depend on how large or small your shrimp are – larger ones can handle direct heat while smaller ones may benefit from indirect cooking methods like using foil packets or a grilling basket.

Using Foil or Grill Baskets

These options prevent the shrimp from falling through the grill grates and make it easier to flip them over without sticking.

To use foil, simply tear off a sheet of heavy-duty aluminum foil and fold it in half to create a double layer. Place your seasoned shrimp on one side of the folded sheet and then fold over the other side, crimping all edges tightly to seal in your ingredients.

Then place this packet directly onto your preheated grill.

Grill baskets are another option that can be used for cooking small items like shrimp on the barbecue. They come in different shapes and sizes but typically consist of wire mesh with handles that allow you to easily toss food around while cooking.

When using either method, make sure not to overcrowd your packets or basket as this will cause uneven cooking times resulting in some pieces being undercooked while others are burnt.

How to Grill Shrimp Directly On Grill Grate

To get started, preheat your grill to medium-high heat (around 375-400°F). While the grill heats up, prepare your shrimp by seasoning them with salt, pepper, and any other desired seasonings.

Once the grill is hot enough, place the seasoned shrimp directly onto the grates. Be sure to leave some space between each piece of shrimp so they cook evenly.

Grill for about 2-3 minutes per side or until they turn pink and slightly charred.

When it comes time to flip your shrimp over on the grate be gentle as you don’t want them falling through into flames below! Use tongs or a spatula when flipping them over carefully.

Once cooked through remove from heat immediately – no one likes rubbery seafood! Serve grilled shrimps with lemon wedges for an extra burst of flavor!

Grilling Shrimp in a Grilling Basket

A grilling basket is a metal wire basket with small holes that allows you to cook small and delicate foods like shrimp without them falling through the grill grates. To use a grilling basket, simply preheat your grill to medium-high heat and lightly oil the inside of the basket to prevent sticking.

Once your grill is hot, add your seasoned or marinated shrimp into the prepared grilling baskets. Be sure not to overcrowd them as this can cause uneven cooking.

Close the lid of your grill and let it cook for about 2-3 minutes before flipping over each piece using tongs.

Continue cooking until they are pink on both sides, which should take around 5-6 minutes total depending on their size. Once done, remove from heat immediately so they don’t overcook.

Using a Cast-Iron Frying Pan On the Grill

This method allows you to sear the shrimp and lock in all of those delicious juices, while also preventing them from falling through the grates. To use this technique, simply preheat your cast-iron frying pan on high heat for about 10 minutes before adding your seasoned or marinated shrimp.

Cook for about 2-3 minutes per side until they are pink and slightly charred.

One of the benefits of using a cast iron skillet is that it retains heat very well, which means that you can get a nice sear on your shrimp without overcooking them. If you’re cooking other ingredients like vegetables or bacon alongside your shrimp in the same skillet, their flavors will meld together beautifully.

When using this method be sure not to overcrowd your pan as it may cause uneven cooking and prevent proper browning/searing from occurring.

Cooking Times and Techniques

Overcooked shrimp can become rubbery and tough, while undercooked shrimp can be unsafe to eat. The key is finding the perfect balance between cooking time and temperature.

The general rule of thumb for grilling large or jumbo-sized shrimp is about 2-3 minutes per side over medium-high heat. For smaller or medium-sized shrimp, reduce the cooking time by a minute on each side.

One technique that many grill masters use when grilling larger sized shrimps without skewers involves butterflying them before placing them on the grill grate. This method allows for even cooking throughout each piece of meat as well as faster cook times since they are flattened out.

Another important tip when it comes to timing your grilled shrimps perfectly is knowing how long they need to marinate beforehand if you choose this option in preparing your seafood dish.

Turning and Flipping Shrimp

The key is not to flip them too soon or too often, as this can cause the shrimp to stick and fall apart.

To prevent sticking, make sure your grill grates are clean and well-oiled before adding the shrimp. Once you’ve placed your seasoned or marinated shrimp on the grill, let them cook for 2-3 minutes on one side before attempting to flip.

Use a pair of tongs or a spatula with a thin edge (such as fish spatula) when flipping your grilled shrimps. Gently lift each piece from underneath and turn it over quickly but carefully so that they don’t break apart.

After flipping once continue cooking for another 2-3 minutes until both sides are pinkish-orange in color with slightly charred edges. Avoid turning more than twice since excessive handling may lead into dryness of shrimps which will ruin their texture.

Checking Shrimp for Doneness

Overcooked shrimp can become tough and rubbery, which is not what we want! So how do you know when your grilled shrimp are done? Here are some tips for checking their doneness:

1. Look at the color: Shrimp will turn from grayish-blue or greenish-gray to pink or orange when cooked.

2. Check the texture: Cooked shrimp should be firm but still slightly springy.

3. Use a thermometer: The internal temperature of cooked shrimp should reach 145°F (63°C).

4. Cut into one: If you’re unsure whether your grilled shrimp are fully cooked, cut into one with a sharp knife and check that it’s opaque all the way through.

Remember that cooking times can vary depending on factors such as size and thickness of each piece of seafood, so always use these methods as guidelines rather than strict rules.

Ensuring Shrimp Safety

Raw shrimp can harbor harmful bacteria that can cause foodborne illness if not handled properly. To ensure the safety of your grilled shrimp, follow these simple tips:

  1. Always start with fresh or properly thawed frozen shrimp.
  2. Keep raw and cooked seafood separate to avoid cross-contamination.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling raw seafood.
  4. Use clean utensils and cutting boards when preparing the shrimp for grilling.
  5. Cook the shrimp until they reach an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C).
  6. Discard any leftover marinade that has come into contact with raw seafood.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to enjoy delicious grilled shrimp without worrying about getting sick from harmful bacteria.

Grilling Shrimp With Vegetables

Not only does it look beautiful on the plate, but it also tastes amazing. The key is to choose vegetables that cook quickly and evenly alongside the shrimp.

Some of our favorite veggies for grilling include bell peppers, zucchini, onions, cherry tomatoes, asparagus spears or even pineapple chunks! Cut them into bite-sized pieces so they cook at the same rate as your shrimp.

To grill these together you can either skewer them separately or use a grilling basket. If using skewers make sure you soak wooden ones in water for 30 minutes before threading on ingredients (to prevent burning).

Alternatively place all ingredients in a grill basket coated with cooking spray over medium heat until tender-crisp and lightly charred around edges.

Seasoning Grilled Shrimp

The key is to keep it simple and let the natural flavor of the shrimp shine through. A sprinkle of salt and pepper is always a good starting point, but don’t be afraid to get creative with your seasonings.

One popular option is garlic butter. Simply melt some butter in a saucepan with minced garlic and brush it onto the shrimp before grilling for an extra burst of flavor.

Another great way to add some zing is by using Cajun seasoning or Old Bay seasoning for a classic seafood taste. You can also try adding fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro for an added pop of freshness.

Sides and Sauces to Pair

When it comes to grilled shrimp, there are plenty of options that can take your meal to the next level. For a light and refreshing side dish, consider serving grilled shrimp with a simple salad or coleslaw.

Grilled vegetables such as zucchini, bell peppers or corn on the cob also make great accompaniments.

When it comes to sauces for dipping your perfectly cooked shrimp into, you have endless possibilities! A classic cocktail sauce made with ketchup and horseradish is always a crowd-pleaser. If you’re looking for something more exotic try making an Asian-inspired peanut sauce or sweet chili sauce.

For those who prefer something creamy yet tangy tartar sauce made from mayonnaise mixed with pickles relish will do just fine while garlic butter adds richness and flavor that pairs well with any seafood dish.

Serving Grilled Shrimp

There are many ways you can serve grilled shrimp, depending on the occasion and personal preferences.

One popular way is to simply arrange them on a platter with some lemon wedges for squeezing over top. This makes for an easy appetizer or finger food that guests can grab as they please.

Another option is to use the grilled shrimp in tacos or wraps. Simply chop up some fresh veggies like lettuce, tomatoes, and avocadoes; add a dollop of sour cream or guacamole; then pile on the grilled shrimp for a delicious handheld meal.

If you’re looking for something more substantial, try serving your grilled shrimp alongside rice pilaf or roasted vegetables like zucchini and bell peppers. You could also toss them into pasta dishes such as linguine with garlic butter sauce.


Can you grill shrimp directly on grill?

Yes, you can grill shrimp directly on a preheated grill at 350-450°F over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, turning halfway through until they are pink on the outside and white and opaque on the inside.

Can I put frozen shrimp on the grill?

Yes, you can put frozen shrimp on the grill as it can be grilled either frozen or thawed.

How do you grill shrimp without the shell sticking?

To grill shrimp without the shell sticking, ensure the grates are very hot by preheating a gas grill to medium-hot for 15 minutes or a charcoal grill with the lid on for 10-15 minutes.

How long does it take to grill shrimp on the grill?

It takes 4 to 6 minutes to grill shrimp on the grill, as they require 2 to 3 minutes per side until they turn slightly pink with opaque flesh and reach an internal temperature of 145°F.

What is the best method for marinating shrimp before grilling?

The best method for marinating shrimp before grilling is to combine olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and seasonings in a bowl or a ziplock bag, then immerse the shrimp for 15-30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Are there any alternatives to skewers for grilling shrimp?

Yes, there are alternatives to skewers for grilling shrimp, such as using a grill basket or placing them directly on the grill with tongs.

How can you ensure evenly cooked shrimp when grilling without skewers?

To ensure evenly cooked shrimp when grilling without skewers, place the shrimp directly on the grill with a flat side down, rotating them halfway through cooking to achieve even grilling on both sides.
